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    Rivet Counter
  • Birthday 01/31/1964

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    Shawnigan Lake BC
  • Interests
    1/48 Aircraft

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  1. Okay I'll contact you first if I do decide to sell the sets which is becoming the more likely option. Cheers Ray
  2. Looking to trade two of my 1/48 wing fold sets for a 1/48 Airfix FR46/47 Seafire. A wolfpack set for a Tamiya Wildcat and a Cutting Edge set for a Hasegawa Hellcat. No damaged resin bits on these sets. In Canada. Thanks Ray
  3. I Believe your right, just never seen one with the cover/shield on. I can only imagine how much drag this creates.
  4. Sorry should be under jets
  5. Sorry for the reflection on the photo its a pic off the TV. Trying to figure out what this is being loaded onto a Skyhawk wing. Thanks Ray
  6. Thanks Guys, believe no way there was red there. So Paint booth this week.
  7. Thanks for the thread, the explanation you highlighted makes way more sense than it being red. Zero info anywhere about a roundel with red like that gave me doubts. Cheers Ray
  8. Currently Building a Tamiya Corsair using the Montex Masks and I'm doing a 1834 Squadron Corsair of Sub Lt Durno. It shows the wing roundels with a red then white inner center, the actual aircraft in black and white seems to show this as well. I have never seen this style before and haven't been able to find any info on this type of roundel. Does anyone have any info on this type of roundel, if this is correct and when and how long they were the used for. Thanks Ray
  9. Thanks Dutch. I'm going to pull the trigger and get a set of these from the 48ers site. The decals look pretty good and after I use them I'll post some pics and give my views on how they went down. Cheers Ray
  10. Anyone have experience using their decals, Scalemates says they have been around since 2017 but I just found them while searching for F-18 Decals.
  11. Hi Dave I do have another offer to purchase it but I'll leave it up for a while in hopes of getting a trade before I decide to sell it. Thanks Ray
  12. Stalled project, 1/48 Hasegawa F-18E kit# 07239. The kit decals fell apart on me but I would like to have another go at them, so if you have this kit and aren't using the kit decals would you be interested in trading for: 1/32 Superscale P-40K MS320261 1/32 Superscale P-51D MS320258 1/32 Draw Decal F8F-2 Smirnoff Raceplane 1/32 Montex Mask Ki-61 K 32098 1/32 Montex Mask F4U-1A MM 32158
  13. Looking to trade my 1/48 Dangerboy Hellcat Wing Fold Trade wants: 1/48 Airfix Mk.22/24 Spitfire. Found One 1/48 Airfix FR.46/47 Seafire
  14. Anyone have an Eduard PE set FE786 for the Airfix P40B they would be interested in trading for one of these sets. FE260 for Hasegawa's RF-4B FE278 for Hasegawa's F-8E FE247 for Hasegawa's F-18D FE353 for Hasegawa's F-18E
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