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Do I have these intakes on correctly? This is the old Academy kit from 1990 and the instructions are less then stellar! Is there supposed to be a gap where the pencil is and do I have everything lined up? Thanks for any help! :thumbsup:



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Do I have these intakes on correctly? This is the old Academy kit from 1990 and the instructions are less then stellar! Is there supposed to be a gap where the pencil is and do I have everything lined up? Thanks for any help! :thumbsup:



I Believe so, I looked it up and apparently there is a gap there. There are some pictures of this I found on Flickr.com that show the gap being there. if it helps the link is http://www.flickr.com/photos/kensaviation/...57603745893902/

That has pictures (of an F-111E) of the intakes on there, and it shows a gap where you pointed. You might have to save it onto your computer in order to zoom in on it, but it shows the gap. hope that helps.


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Yes that "hole" should be there.

Dont forget that the TP II intakes have three small blow in doors, if the a/c is a low speed or on the ground with the engines running then those doors will be open because of air pressure.

The kits engines depict engines running as both are fully open, if the engines are off then one nozel would be fully closed the other fully open.

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