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Who else has had Lasik surgery to correct their eye sight?

I had Lasik last Wednesday and although I have had moments of incredible eye sight (better than I have in years), I find it comes and goes. To work on models and read I need reading glasses. This was explained to me prior to the surgery so I accept that it is just a part of getting older.

What is bothering me is the hot and cold eye sight.

Has anyone else experienced this?


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I had laser surgery on my eyes done in 1999.

Yes, the first little while I had that sharper/fuzzier alternation, but then it settled down after a while. What I did notice though is that over the years my sight has deteriorated somewhat - it's still enormously better than it was before the surgery, but it's definitely not as sharp as it was in the first few years after the surgery. However, this may be related to the freakery of my eyes (all the eye doctors I'd been to were quite surprised and fascinated by my case...)

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Part of getting older...just how old? Am in my forties and looking at it again. Wasn't convinced enough a few years ago to get it done, but willing to check another time. Did you use one of the "smaller" centres, or one of the "mass production" ones?(i.e. LazikMD)

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I had it done 2 years ago. My eyes were -8, with astigmatism in the right eye. My right eye got astigmatism back, and had that eye touched up. I have not worked on a model since the touch up, but hope to soon. What prescription glasses did you have ? I am 42, and had to sign a waiver that I might need reading glasses.


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I went to Lasik MD.

I am 45. I was already having a hard time reading with my contact lenses and needed eye glasses for reading and modelling. Right now I find it a little harder to model as reading instructions and seeing small parts is more of a challenge. I really am hoping this will change for the better over the next week or two.

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My prescription was a -5.

As I mentioned they did tell me about the probability of having to use reading glasses after the surgery. All-in-all I am pleased with the outcome when my eyes seem to work well, but the quality of vision comes and goes. I am sure with time this will go away.

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I had mine done in Hungary, with a doctor who studied in the Soviet Union (I specifically sought this out - the Russians are renowned for eye-related medicine). For the record I'm 34, and had perfect eyesight until I was 15 or 16. My left eye was at 8% vision and the right at about 45%; the surgery improved that to about 60% and 95% respectively; it's now at about 50% and 90% now, 11 years later. My close-in vision has never been an issue, even prior to the surgery - apart from the general fact that I can only focus with one eye at a time (something which developed /after/ my eyes initially went bad). What I have found, however, is that my night vision has been drastically reduced - but they did tell me before the surgery that that happens in about 80% of cases. Small price to pay, IMO, for such an improvement in daytime vision!

From 8% + 45% to 50% + 90% 11 years later - I'm very happy that I had the surgery done.

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Yes, that's one of my main concerns... night vision. My work schedule involves working nights, and actually all of my shifts have segments of poor lighting, whether it be early morning or evening...

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I actually find my night vision to be really clear.

I have also noticed a significant improvement over the last week with my vision. Although it still can fluctuate at times it is much much better. I really notice fluorescent lights to be a irritant to the eyes and I still struggle with reading and the computer without reading glasses.

I am pleased that I had this done though. Waking up in the morning and seeing the clock without reaching around for glasses is awesome. Not having to put contacts in and take them out everyday is also a real treat.

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Had my treatment on 21st December, from a -1.75 prescription.

Long vision is now almost perfect, especially in the morning but close up work is still a bit blurred.

I have been able to read for the last week but not trusting myself with a modelling knife yet.

Due to re-visit the clinic to test my prescription on the 12th Jan.

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