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Impressive!!!! VERY IMPRESSIVE!!!!

One thing though:

The reason they painted aircraft Gloss Sea Blue was because the Paint itself was VERY resistant to Corrosion - from salt water environmet the Sea had. By being very resistant, it allowed for longer exposure to the elements without any serious damage to the aircraft structure.

Why do I bring this out?? Because if the Paint would have been chipped off, the Underlying Aluminum color (showing the natural metal of the structure) would have been eaten to dust in about a week.

In other words - NAVY Gloss Sea Blue planes would have minimum or NO corrosion at all...

But then again, that's for Corsair Nuts like me... I love that Glossy finish you did there :thumbsup:

Take Care :rofl:

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Impressive!!!! VERY IMPRESSIVE!!!!

One thing though:

The reason they painted aircraft Gloss Sea Blue was because the Paint itself was VERY resistant to Corrosion - from salt water environmet the Sea had. By being very resistant, it allowed for longer exposure to the elements without any serious damage to the aircraft structure.

Why do I bring this out?? Because if the Paint would have been chipped off, the Underlying Aluminum color (showing the natural metal of the structure) would have been eaten to dust in about a week.

In other words - NAVY Gloss Sea Blue planes would have minimum or NO corrosion at all...

But then again, that's for Corsair Nuts like me... I love that Glossy finish you did there :)

Take Care :monkeydance:

It’s kind’a funny you bring that up. I had left the bird with, really, no chips on it. The problem was that it looked so damn new it was driving me crazy! I started weathering it up with powder and some flat clear here and there, a scratch or two, a couple of chips…. Before I new it, I fell into that old trap of getting carried away with the weathering. I thought about fixing it but I really loved the way it looked so I ended up leaving it. Only you real Pro-guys would notice! :D

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