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1/48 Monogram UH-1C Huey Hog

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Ok, so here is my 1/48 Huey Hog that I just finished.... It was built, pretty much, straight OOB, with some minor modifications to the engine (which as it turns out, you can't see anyway after you close up the fuselage havles) and cockpit. I used a home-made mix, of several different Testors Acryics, brushed on, for the base color, and a dark wash to highlight and weather the exteror of the Huey.

It was alot of fun to build. The only problem I encountered with the kit, was that when you had to put the cockpit 'roof' on, the part was too small and would just fall through the opening where the roof should go. But after abit of tweaking, and lots of superglue, I got it to work.

Well, thanks for looking!


Edited by P-40Ace
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Hey Ace,

Hog looks nice. Can't tell from the pictures where you had any problems with the roof, nice fix. It's unfortunate that the stars and bars have a registration problem. Do you have another set you could replace them with? If not, if you have a steady hand, you could trim the excess white away with a new blade.

Nice build, fixed or not!


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Hey Ace,

Hog looks nice. Can't tell from the pictures where you had any problems with the roof, nice fix. It's unfortunate that the stars and bars have a registration problem. Do you have another set you could replace them with? If not, if you have a steady hand, you could trim the excess white away with a new blade.

Nice build, fixed or not!


Thanks, Zactoman! :o

I didn't change the original decals out the first time, cause I don't have a another set, and when I tried to trim off the white with my knife, the decal was too hard from the Microsol setting solution, and ripped when I tried to cut it. :bandhead2:


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the ammo for the gun is awesome

how did you paint it ;)

First, I painted on Testors Gold, and than applied a dark wash and some pastels to the depressions with a toothpick and cotton swab. And than, I dry brushed abit of white/grey over the bullets to make them stand out abit more. ;)


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