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I mostly build 1/72... for reasons of room.. plus I just love the scale.


I came across this site I thought everyone would enjoy. If you haven't seen these models prepare to be

inspired and humbled..

Please paste the link into you address bar... ( I forgot how to do a hyperlink... getting old :thumbsup: )


p.s. this is just one airplane.. please take the time to view the 1/3 scale car

ENJOY!!!!!! Henry

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I remembeer seeing that site a while ago. I don't even want to know the price tag on those puppies.

As my parents use to say about prices for dust collectors like this "An arm and leg and not mine." :thumbsup:

Goodyear FG-1D Corsair  1:15 1998 100 12 500 Available

Pratt & Whitney R2800-8 engine 1:15 2002  50  1 200 Available

F4U1-A Version 1:15 2003 100 12 500 Available

is what they want just for Corsair. I can just see explaing this to the bank about why I want to get a 12k loan for a toy.

"Yes sir, it is for a toy; but it is a well built hand built toy" myself

"Not only no, but heck no" - bank loan officer

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I have one of their newsletters.....very cool stuff. It's worth sending away for one. This place has been around for many, many years.......I remember a railroad car with a spectacular canon barrel on it. The barrel was so long, the special car was split in two and supported the front and back seperately. They also had some cool trains. BUT.....it was even expensive back then.

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