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About sabresandhunters

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  1. I thought you guys might like some 2020 shots from Lakenheath, Coningsby and the Mach Loop
  2. Hi gary, I was at Waddington (and Coningsby) on Wednesday and today. The A310+4 Typhoons flyby was thursday last week... I was very lucky to see it I reckon! cheers wal Got a surprise today when a pair of Typhoons popped out their drag chutes, is this a practice thing or systems check thing or what? 1P4A7985PS by wallycacsabre, on Flickr 1P4A7975PS by wallycacsabre, on Flickr 1P4A7955PS by wallycacsabre, on Flickr 1P4A7943PS by wallycacsabre, on Flickr 1P4A7740PS by wallycacsabre, on Flickr 1P4A7775ps by wallycacsabre, on Flickr
  3. 1P4A7503 by wallycacsabre, on Flickr 1P4A7456PS by wallycacsabre, on Flickr 1P4A7372PS by wallycacsabre, on Flickr 1P4A7299PS by wallycacsabre, on Flickr 1P4A7262PS by wallycacsabre, on Flickr 1P4A7124best by wallycacsabre, on Flickr 1P4A7100ps by wallycacsabre, on Flickr 1P4A6946ps by wallycacsabre, on Flickr 1P4A6900 by wallycacsabre, on Flickr 1P4A6589 by wallycacsabre, on Flickr many more in the photostream enjoy
  4. thanks Bryan, fun is the name of the game cheers wal
  5. I started this one early this year. The kit / aircraft always attracted me since it came out in the 70s but I never picked one up until a bargain offer .. 25 bucks from memory...I couldnt refuse came up at an Expo swap and sell in Melbourne last year. One of the reasons I didnt get one before was that it was a one operator machine.. Japan (though India is getting a few soon) and I just didn't fancy doing one of them. I thought I might try a civil WIFFer but thought that a bit silly and shelved the problem till later, then when in the UK last year the refugee avalanche into Europe with all th
  6. Well! did this one ever fight me to the finish, disaster followed mishap followed.. well you get the drift. The fuselage halves were very hard to put together because they were quite thin and distorted. I ended up chopping off the empennage and rotating it 5 degrees to get a straight fuselage! On this one I totally buggered up the nose decal and had to resort to home made decal coupled with with a bit of masking and paint..the curves were just too complex to have any hope of any decal conforming.
  7. A while back I built one of these in the final scheme for a friend of mine.. I was reluctant to let it go as I think it is quite a handsome aircraft and makes a great model, I convinced myself I needed one of my own and about 4 years later finally built it. I have reached the stage on it where I just don't want to do any more on it in case I bugger it all up. I will wait until my emotion subsides before dirtying it up and flat coating it, so she is done for now and rests splendidly in my cabinet.
  8. I experimented with a matt coat rather than my usual Satin, I don't think Sir Reginald Ansett would like to think his planes were this grubby.. this one was a bit of a bugger lots of foul ups but will be ok in cabinet. The reasons for many of my models being put on a stand is that I can fit more in to the cabinet.
  9. Chopped and cropped from the Heller kit, it posed semi finished for months, finally got it done..I like it..alot
  10. Another one of my impulse buys, I bought the CMR York conversion (fuselage tail all sort of bits and pieces) at Melbourne Model Expo in 2015. Just after I handed over the cash the proprietor said all I need ed now was an Airfix or Hasegawa Lancaster..Doh! I thought the York was a complete kit..see that is what happens with impuse buys.. you do no research! I had visions of doing the very bright and shiny all - silver RAAF / Governor Generals aircraft.. but after looking at the resin I knew it was going to take too much work to get the item to a pristine base line to apply the all flaw reveali
  11. Not my best work, I was a bit disappointed with this kit as I had heard some pretty good reviews about it and it did not match my expectations, it didnt help that I dropped the damn thing twice! I bought the kit ages ago, it might have been an ebay job I just can't remember. Anyhow when I thought it was time to open this one up again I noticed there were no decals..no matter as I wasnt interested in doing an ANA anyway but it might have been useful for doors / window cockpit glass decals. There are a few aftermarket decal sets available for this kit but I didnt want any of them, Cathay Pacific
  12. This Nicaraguan C-46 is named after the river Wanki. I have just finished the construction of this model, one of 4 in near finished state I want to complete by years end. I have had this basket case Williams Bros kit for a while that had a few bits missing.. I had to construct a prop hub assembly amongst other things. I love the shape of the Commando so I did it wheels up in flight. Choosing which paint livery to model took a few night's research and I settled on "Wanki" and designed and printed the decals for it...based on photos with only one view of the aircraft, it is probably not full
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