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About cbear

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    Glue Required

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  1. Were the Luke Eagles still in Air Superiority Blue when they had the candy cane and Sabre stripes?
  2. Excellent work, sir! I have a silly question. How do you size, cut, and apply the large thermal blankets so that the edges are flush and straight and the large wrinkles fall naturally in the centers?
  3. Thank you, Alpaguarer, that's what I thought! Chuck
  4. Hi, everyone! Have a couple of quick questions about this kit. It's one of the later releases, with the improved ejection seats, vinyl wheels, and decals for VF-124 and VF-111. The plastic tires and vinyl ones are noticeably different in size. Which one is correct? Is the VF-111 bird painted in TPS or something else...The instructions are unclear. Thanks!
  5. I was lucky enough to score two Revell 1/48 Apollo Lunar Spacecraft kits a couple of weeks ago for a song. I'm building one OOB for pure nostalgia and the other command/service module as a Block 1 representing Apollo 1. All parts appear to be here, but the decals are trashed. Does anyone have a set (or two) that you would sell or trade? Even a scan would be helpful. Thanks! Chuck
  6. How are the 1/144 decals coming along? Looking forward to seeing them! Chuck
  7. Looking good, Hot Dog! Glad to see my orbiter is helping out. From what you've shown, the decal set will be well worth the wait! Chuck
  8. Help! Looking for a replacement decal sheet for the LIS Movie Jupiter 2. My set is damaged beyond repair. If anyone has a scanned copy they could share, that would be great, but I'm willing to buy or trade as well. Thanks! Chuck
  9. The Revell tail fin wound up on there, quite literally, by accident. The fin on the Airfix bird was warped and when I attempted to straighten it in hot water, the water was a bit TOO hot and the fin melted! I salvaged the fin off a scrapped Revell shuttle. Now that you mention it, it does look swept back a bit too much :blush:/> I cut it off flush with the empenage, so perhaps that part is shaped differently on the Revell version. Chuck
  10. Perhaps a dumb question, but here goes...Will the decals be artwork details on a white background (basically "wallpaper" decals) or will they be just line art and patterns on clear film to be applied over a painted orbiter? Either would be great, but IMHO, the latter would possibly provide greater flexibility in weathering the later ships. Chuck
  11. I have one that's assembled and partially puttied and sanded, but missing the OMS pods, if that will help. (Besides, I really want a set of those decals :P) Chuck
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