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Everything posted by Fischer

  1. Hi As the title says, i am looking for the catalog and estimated maintence prices of 9 different Turbofans. These are: -PW 4090 -Trent 892 -GE90-94B -JT9D-7R4G2 -RB211-524 D4 -CF6-50 C2B -CF6-80E1A3 -PW 4168 -Trent 772 I have found some in books or internet but I need the information of all of them in order to carry out a comparison. Any help is welcome
  2. And finally, finished. After log time building it I managed to get it ready. I hope you like it.
  3. After long some days without working on it I managed to put my hands on it, FINALLY!! I have already painted the last details. Also the engines are ready. And after some a couple layers of gloss cote, I started with the decals. As tipical Airfix decals the are way to thick. Some ltrs. of Microsol are needed to bend them. They are also a bit old and the blue lines tend to crack.
  4. After my comprssor broke down about two month ago I stopped workin on this model and started with some others I had on my shelf. A few days ago I found thid baby half-painted and decided to finish it. I went to my LHS, got a new compressor and restarted painting. At first, I painted the grey belly. The the wings and the typical lufthansa blue tail. The stabilizers become some paint too. Both engines are half-painted. I hope this week the engines an the upper white will be ready.
  5. I think this one could be very useful.
  6. Fischer

    Runway lights

    Ok, thanks. That was what I needed.
  7. I am using humbrol gloss paints. The mix ratio is 1:1. The distante is about 10cm. And as for the room temperature it is between 26 to 30 Celsius.
  8. Hi I have been painting with my airbrush (badger 350), but I am having some troubles with the gloss paint. Some minutes after painting, it appears. What am I doing grong?
  9. Fischer

    Runway lights

    Hi I am planning to make a display base for my airliners. It is going to be a section of the taxi way. The problems are the lights. I know that the border lights are blue, but wich is the distance between them. And the guide lights in the middle of the runway, what color are they?? An what about the distance between them??
  10. Ok, thanks. Then, I will have to continue tomorrow with the painting.
  11. Hi I am painting some airliners with gloss humbrol paint and I don't know how much time does the gloss paint need, before a second hand of paint.
  12. There are no aftermarket engines for the airfix kit. Airfix engines represent Conway engines and they are completely different to the other 707 engines.
  13. I build that kit some time ago. At first I thought it was going to be extremly difficult, but using good references and some masking tape, it's possible.
  14. Hi I know that the 722 can be easily converted into a 721. The problem is that I don´t know how much and where should I convert the fuselage. And also, is there any way way to convert the second inlet, or should I buy a convertion kit?
  15. Hi As always, after applying the decals to my airliners I seal the decals with gloss cote. The problem is that, when I seal some metallic colors, they loose their metallic appearence. How can I seal this metallic colors, without loosing their appearence and the gloss finish of the rest colors?
  16. I has that model some years ago and I can tell you that it needs a lot of weight.
  17. So there are no esxternal differences between all variants, except from the refueling probe and cokpit? Am I right?
  18. Hi I bought yesterday Revell's Mig-31 and I want to convert it into a MiG-31E. The one with the special blue/grey scheme. My doubt is, are there any structural differences between the A, B, BS, M, D, BM, E and FE??? If there are some, wich are they?? Thanks in advance
  19. After a long travel to Germany I caem back home.And guess what I found, what was left of my A-300 lying on the floor. I left it over my bed, thinking that it was a good place , but with a little earthquake, it went down. I started the same day with the reconstruction. I cleaned the old paint and glued all pieces again. And today I started again with the putty/sanding problem. I hope it will be finished before christmas.
  20. Ok, if I find anymore photos I will post them.
  21. This one is from an A312. But maybe it's useful too. Clicky
  22. Hi Next week I am flying to Atlanta and I am looking for HS with badger airbrushes. My old 350 is dead and I want to buy a new one. But double action (100 or 150).
  23. After some days without working in it, I started painting. Wings masked and just painted Wings coroguard ready, I just have to fix a little problem with the spoilers painting. There is a zone that is too thin to be masked, so I have to hand paint it. Engines and Stabilizers masked and ready for painting I think it will be finished this weekend.
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