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Everything posted by dimsh2000

  1. Your A320 turned out fantastic, Jelle! Where did you get the tug from?
  2. Hey Guys, I recently took this picture at the Alberta Legislative Assembly Visitor Center, and am trying to figure out what aircraft this is. After numerous searches of the registration, I still can't find it. Can someone help me out? Thank you! http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3107/288969...443daa6e9_b.jpg
  3. So does the Badger hose connect straight from the compressor to the airbrush, or do I have to get any adaptors?
  4. I've been running on air tanks for the past couple of years and decided to finally get a compressor. I need one thats fairly cheap (80-130) and quiet because I'm a student right now. I've been doing some research and I've narrowed it down to these 3 compressors: Paasche D100, D500, and Campbell Hausfeld FP2040. Which one would you recommend? I used a Thayer&Chandler Omni 4000 airbrush, so I don't know which hoses I would need to get for the compressor. Thanks
  5. What kind of compressor do you use smithery?
  6. Hey Guys, For the past couple of years I've been using Testors Compressed Air Cans and they've been doing the job fine. However, I realized it's time for me to get a compressor. I have an Omni 4000 airbrush and a cable with an end that connects to these cans. I'm looking for a relatively cheap and quiet compressor. I'm assuming I would also need a new cable to connect my airbrush to the compressor. Any suggestions? Thanks
  7. smithery: if i buy a new tip, how can i install it?
  8. I already soaked the airbrush in water for a couple of hours but can't get the paper out.
  9. I was trying to clean my airbrush by putting a napkin soaked in alccohol wrapper around a needle in the tip of my airbrush. I'm using an Omni 4000 airbrush. However, I think I stuck the paper in too hard and now its stuck in there. The tip is very small and I cant use even the smallest needle to get in there and yank the paper out. Does anyone have any ideas of how I can unclog my airbrush? Thanks
  10. Hey Guys, After masking a windshield, I always put future on the edges to seal it in, which always works great. However, after painting, when I take off the masking tape, I notice there is residue from the Future that seeped in through the creases. Does anyone know how to get rid of it? Thanks Dmitriy
  11. Well, I finally finished the 1/144 Revell Concorde. I did added detail to the landing gear, and decided to weather the beast.
  12. So after the polls, I decided to do British Airways. It turned out really nice. Here are some pictures.
  13. Hi Guys, I've been thinking for a long time now of what paint scheme to do for my Concorde. As the Future is drying, I sit here with a sheet for Air France and British Airways (Old Scheme). I simply can't choose, and decided to make this poll to get the public's opinion. This model will be done in about 2 or 3 weeks, so I will post pictures ASAP. Air France British Airways (Old Scheme) Thanks!!
  14. Supposedly this defines a bad motive: Your photo(s) showed a motive that is not accepted by Airliners.net. This problem may be due to a very wide range of reasons. Some examples are: Photos that include window reflections (for shots taken through glass such as terminal windows). Photos showing just a part of an aircraft (with no motivation for doing so, like a special sticker, damage etc.). Photos with distracting or obstructing objects in the foreground (this is especially true for gate shots which are very difficult to get accepted due to their common nature and the large amount of equi
  15. Hey Guys, I was just wondering if there are any airliner.net photographers out here. I just got this photo rejected because of a "bad motive" but I still don't understand how it could be a bad motive.
  16. Does anybody know the color for the inside of the jet intakes on the Concorde, and the exhaust. I know the outside of the exhaust is black, but what is the inside color? Thanks
  17. Well now this paint scheme is actually in use. The first aircraft appeared in it today. I sure do miss the old one though...
  18. Primer Paint Future Pastel chalk Future Matt Coat
  19. I think they look for how close to reality the model looks. Just takin a wild guess. My MD-82 has beaten my 777 twice, and I think it looks more realistic than the 777. Good luck with the competition!
  20. Dixie Art doesnt have the part that I need, and berair doesnt either. I need the main assembly part. T89S i think
  21. Hey Guys, Does anyone know of any websites where I can order replacement parts for the Thayer and Chandler Omni 4000? Thanks
  22. Looks pretty awesome. I think a close match would be a slightly darker KLM Blue.
  23. well my needle isnt bent...i already checekd that
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