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About Dog1

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  • Birthday 02/11/1952

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    modelling .

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  1. how many coats of thinned clear and which grade sanding paper , by very fine you mean 4000 to 10000 ?
  2. So its decant , wait 1 day for the prop to evaporate , airbrush , clear . i find cans to be ruthless even at a distance and in movement , for large areas it can overspray and run creating large deposits at corners . I find myself wasting a lot of spray as well . What i like about cans is that strong uniform gloss finish to the major surface .
  3. Hello My objective is to find out if you can get exactly the same result using a can spray for color X example yellow by airbrushing the same color gloss bottle by adding clear to make it as gloss as the TS spray " i tried Tamiya TS yellow and Tamiya LP8 yellow lacquer and it was not the same yet at the store i was told the lacquer color equivalent to TS range should be the same . . Another question is by decaning a color and using the color through the airbrush will it give exactly the same color result and is this action the objective for small touch ups ?
  4. In order to get the same shine as can sprayed , can one add clear to the paint and diluent and airbrush to get the same result ?
  5. will order a tamiya bottle and conduct a test on a styrene sheet and match to damaged surface . thanks tip.
  6. the reason for decanting is to use the same Tamiya yellow color source for the touch up to remove the white spots .Will this give a 100% match ? If instead i use a Mr Color lacquer yellow from a bottle for the touch up will there be a difference ? at the local Tamiya shop they told me the Tamiya spray is the same as lacquer .
  7. Hello How do i know the propellant is gone ? i must leave the glass bottle lid open 2 days ? i will post image today .
  8. hello If i decant a spray with the intention of airbrushing a small surface area slightly smeared , "small white blemishes over can sprayed yellow " , i still havent applied anything on top such as clear , will this blend 100% without leaving any border ?
  9. In Thailand today they are registering new patients with first doze to be Sinovac and the second to be Astra Zaneca , is a mix being applied in your countries as well since WHO approved same this week ? The results have been positive and its reducing the time in between shots .
  10. they are recommending that one too . thank you all for assistance .
  11. flat base is something i have never understood and was never in the past able to use it to flaten . I cannot remember 15 years ago what i used to add to flaten a gloss or to flaten further parts or small areas without using the spray can . I used to use acrylic and enamel then . I will ask the Tamiya store what they recommend .
  12. GX114 as stand alone and C182 for flatening a paint ?
  13. My concern is the decals , so gently does it with rag wheels .What does 2K clear gloss car finish mean ? I am using Mr Color clear spray can for finishes . Have'nt been happy using airbrush maybe due to wrong percentage of diluent .
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