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About Atlant

  • Rank
    Tenax Sniffer (Open a window!)
  • Birthday 05/08/1965

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  • ICQ

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Atlanta, GA, USA
  1. Great model and good videos! Thank you.
  2. Hi, Don. Not so much info, but who knows - you could find find this entertaining: https://www.dishmodels.ru/gshow.htm?p=2002&lng=E I built it more than 10 years ago, and now I can see so many problems with this model, but I still love it! Good luck with your model!
  3. Sorry! Here is what you are looking for: http://www3.towerhobbies.com/cgi-bin/wti0001p?&I=LXGPCF&P=FR&atrkid=V3ADW3A24148B_10642245165_aud-149163720045:pla-67528030485__36556522365_g_c_pla_with_promotion__1o1&gclid=CjwKEAjw5_vHBRCBtt2NqqCDjiESJABD5rCJOyS2aZdxIb0r8sHovhNs4UFXbuzdU5swv9218DAPmBoCSXzw_wcB
  4. http://www3.towerhobbies.com/cgi-bin/wti0001p?&I=LXFDKF&P=FR&atrkid=V3ADW3A24148B_10642245165_pla-67528030485__36556522365_g_c_pla_with_promotion__1o5&gclid=CjwKEAjw5_vHBRCBtt2NqqCDjiESJABD5rCJdpH_b9fzfEO6vIyFa4-Tt0WPjQeLDxoWyOKaMKVyYhoCUoXw_wcB
  5. Hi, Dutch. I solved this problem easily - simply purchased correct props from welshmodels :) Look here : http://www.welshmodels.co.uk/accessories.html There is no part number for this set, so you have to contact him directly bu e-mail with your order request. Good luck!
  6. I did not contact him - i did model to give t my friend as a gift, and did not have another month to wait for decal to arrive.
  7. I ordered some decals from him in the past. It took almost a month for decals to arrive into USA. He provided me with tracking number, but apparently Mexican Post Office is not fastest one. Those are standard laser printer decals, printed on regular laser printer. Do not expect extra clarity of fine details, perfect color match and opacity. In my case, for 1 portion of decal set, instead of 2 parts being mirrored (left/right) I got 2 images for right side. Quite disappointed, probably won't purchase anything else from this company.
  8. Try any home-improvement store Laquer Thinner. This stuff removes everything!
  9. Name your price. I need to sell those boxes - other boxes are coming, I need to clear space....
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