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About JimC

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    Tenax Sniffer (Open a window!)
  1. Thanks, one and all... I finally got it to work, and I've now got two of these floating my way to the US. Thanks everyone for the help. Best regards, Jim
  2. Boy, I don't know what wrong there. I guess that the 'special $2.00' shipping promo is way over. I tried to enter my info to LM yesterday for 2 pre-ordered Tamiya F-14s, and was going to be charged $202. $66.00 alone for shipping. Forget that! So, I'll just wait for a 'sale' and get it then. I guess, like the old saying, 'He who hesitates is lost'. Jim
  3. Hi, guys, just a question... Since I didn't even hear about the Fundekals stencils until about two days ago, and seeing them on the website, I was wondering if one of you fine gentlemen would be willing to part with one of your multiple sets of these stencils. I'd like to have three or four sets, but I know that's not practical. Just let me know if anyone's willing, and we can work out the details. Thanks, Jim (If I don't ask, I'll never know...)
  4. Vince, Smithery, Thanks for replying, guys, but you misunderstood my post. Go to this link: http://barracudacals.blogspot.com/ and scroll down to the May 4, 2011 entry by Roy. I am looking for the upgrade decal set for the cockpit that includes the placards for the sidewall (which I already have). I do not have the placards for the sidewall at this time as they are being printed with the decals for the cockpit update set. Clear as mud? If you read the post, I think you'll understand what I'm after...btw, I already have the cockpit update set, but the old one doesn't include decals fo
  5. Hi... Specifically looking for the cockpit upgrade set with the new decals that go with the starboard cockpit sidewall. Does anyone know if/when this will be available? Since the blog on Roy's site says May 4, I would imagine that the new stuff might be available soon, but I have no way of knowing. Thanks for any help... Jim
  6. So...the rivets aren't a big deal? There sure is a lot of 'em. Jim
  7. JimC

    Tamiya Spit Mk IXc

    Thanks, Edgar and TonyT... (TonyT, both of them) and thank you both for the reply... Jim
  8. JimC

    Tamiya Spit Mk IXc

    Hey, guys, Just wondering...do I drill the cockpit bulkheads out or not? I can't find anything on this, and thanks in advance. Jim
  9. Paging ChukW, Paging ChukW, Please pick up the white courtesy phone. What's happening, Chuk...everything okay? You haven't posted for seven weeks... SEVEN WEEKS! I'm going through Chuk wthdrawals!!! Jim
  10. Larry, What kind of paint is M&M? Jim
  11. JimC

    1/32 Tamiya Spit Mk IX

    Hey, Av8fan, Thanks for that...that is, indeed, the one I was looking for. Thanks for posting the link! Jim
  12. Hey, guys, Getting started on my Tamiya Spit this week and would like to find the person who did the 'oily' version of the engine I believe I saw on here. Whoever it was also explained how to get the engine to look the way he did, although he said it was 'easy' (mmkay...). I've done a search, but can't find anything. Can anyone give me a heads up to the thread? Thanks in advance. Jim
  13. Guys, I'm almost positive that I saw a USAF Thunderbird T-Shirt offer here somewhere, but for the life of me I can't seem to find it anywhere. I thought I had it bookmarked, but I guess I was mistaken. I just spent an hour going through where I thought it'd be, but no joy! If anyone has seen this, please advise, as I would really like to pick up a couple of these shirts. I believe that the general design was a left and right side view stacked vertically (iirc). Thanks in advance for any help... Jim
  14. Bobski, So, after producing a pretty decent model in 1/48, they screw the pooch by messing with the cockpit, and not fixing the intakes. I guess we wait for an aftermarket cockpit and intakes, right? I'll deal with the intakes on my 1/48 scale Tiffie and wait for folks to come through on the above for the 1/32 version. It's not like I don't have anything else to build! Jim
  15. JimC


    Yep, that's the one...there's another pic somewhere (should've bookmarked it) that has a good closer view of the front (I'll post it if I can find it) but still no sides or top of the seat. Murph, Thanks for the link, but there's nothing on the Typhoon site that's actually usable (that I could see, anyway). Jim
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