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  1. They dropped the project a few years ago. ZM has announced a new 1/32 P-51B a while back but no real news since.
  2. No 1/32 P-51B? I'm starting to doubt they'll really make one. ๐Ÿ˜ถ
  3. I agree with Joe. Of the three new kits (Airfix, Meng & Eduard) Airfix is the most affordable and the best suited for an in flight build (flaps up, pilot etc...) The Tamiya kit also remains a good option.
  4. - Gently wash all the kit's parts with dish soap before starting. - Cutting corners never pays.
  5. Terrific! It really looks the part. ๐Ÿ‘
  6. Indeed! I just got mine and forgot to thank you. Loved your build BTW.
  7. Somehow I had missed the finished model. Beautiful, you nailed it! ๐Ÿ‘
  8. I don't have detail pictures of the napalm installation on F-51's handy, maybe somewhere in my files, I'm not sure. Here are some pix of the installation using 165 gal. tanks on P-47s (from the old RetroMechanix site): Here's an improvised 55 gal. napalm bomb:
  9. More than one type of tank was used with napalm. That being said most pictures seem to show the 110 gal. tanks on F-51's in Korea (for napalm).
  10. I saw that this thread was mentioned on another forum. It seems like a good time to update some of my previous comments: - The DFF was not added during production on P-51D-5-NA 44-13902 but appeared with the P-51D-10-NA block and was retrofitted to some D-5s. The straight DFF did not first start with the D-20 block but very late during the D-15 (and K-15) blocks, possibly the last 5 or 10 aircraft for each. - The armor plate was indeed mounted 2 1/4 inches lower before the P-51D-20 but the headrest cushion was not placed higher as I mentioned in 2011, the whole thing moved higher
  11. A bit late in the game but like many others here I'm looking forward to these decals. I'm also voting for the Illinois bird to be added. Maryland's 44-64573 was already on the old Talon decal sheet (so were a few others mentioned here): They did a good job but something's off with the nose art, zooming on the picture seems to show Elmer Fudd with the words "Bright Eyes"(?). This is the Talon version: Not quite right, I hope Caracal does better.
  12. The little I know comes from the Warren Thompson book. The picture shows Capt. Daniel "Chappie" James who later became the first African American USAF four star general. Interesting dude: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daniel_James_Jr. I cannot tell much about the plane based on this single picture.
  13. Painting Mustangs is a post war thing seen on some ANG and USAF F-51's, most likely a way to fight corrosion on aging planes. Some planes remained NMF others were painted, you really need to look at pictures to figure out which is which (it's not always obvious). To complicate matters I think that some Mustangs might have only been partially painted, it's a bit of a mess ๐Ÿคจ. Two clear (enough) examples: NMF Painted
  14. What's the serial number of the plane you are building? It is quite possible that the early anti glare panel is correct for your build. It's not a WWII vs post war thing, it has to do with the production block. The stiffeners appeared on the panel during the D-25-NA production which is quite late in the game. Earlier blocks were still flown during the Korean war. Edited to add: After re-reading your first post I see you are building 44-84602 (a P-51D-25-NT) which means you were right to use the later anti glare panel with the stiffeners. Please note th
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