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Apache and Kiowa Warrior Walkarounds

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Is there a release date for these two books?

My OH-58D book should be available within the next week or two.

Joseph, thanks. It took a long time to get them to approve it. I proposed the original one in 1998, but I think the book is pretty nice.

I hope to see more models of the Warrior.


Sneek peek


Edited by Floyd S. Werner, Jr.
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YAHOOOO! Today is the official release date of the Kiowa Warrior Walk Around. I have my copies in my hand. Looks very nice to me. It is exactly what I had in my mind's eye.

I hope you all like it. Let me know what you think. Good, bad, would have liked to seen and anything else you think I should know. Constructive criticism is always appreciated.

I'm sure some of you will not like that there are no line drawings in it. I did that on purpose because I felt that those line drawings are taken as accurate and they are not they are normally representative.


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Thanks Dave,

Maybe if you check with Joseph at Fireball Modelworks he may have some SFOR markings and stuff still on his computer that he did for me.


Thanks Floyd,

I will give Joseph a shout and see what he can do for me . By the way I received my copy of your book today and all I can say is outstanding job sir.

Thanks again,

Dave Fassett

Edited by Bulldog 09
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My OH-58D book should be available within the next week or two.

Joseph, thanks. It took a long time to get them to approve it. I proposed the original one in 1998, but I think the book is pretty nice.

I hope to see more models of the Warrior.


Sneek peek



I checked with my lhs and they will have them by Saturday. I will be picking it up.


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Hopefully the success of your book will motivate them to hurry up and get mine out!

I hope so too. There is no good book on the Apache.

I think it helped that I had my friend who sets up magazines and manipulates photos for a living size, correct and convert them before I sent them. That is the only reason this one came out before yours. That made it a simple plug and play for them.


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