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I just finished this nice old Monogram Panther. I rescribed it and made a few tweaks along the way:

  • Added photoetched seat belts
  • Replaced kit exhaust with brass tubing
  • Replaced kit gun barrels with hypodermic tubing
  • Added landing light & approach lights to wings
  • Replaced tail skid strut with a steel pin
  • Sanded off the oversized & opaque nav lights and beacon, replaced them with clear epoxy glue, and painted them with Tamiya clear paints
  • Added steel BBs to the nose to keep it sitting on the nose gear

The kit builds up nicely apart from some nasty seams around the intakes. I used Testor's Model Master Gloss Sea Blue for the base finish and Floquil Old Silver to represent the corroguard on the leading edges. I mainly used the kit's decals, though i did steal a few from an Aeromaster set. The nose spiral and v-stab trim are painted. I've no patience for painting spirals, but I have even less for messing with spiral decals.









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