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About Lansen

  • Rank
    Armchair modeller....Ooops, did I say that out loud?!!
  • Birthday 12/22/1980

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  • Gender
  • Location
    A very cold place far North
  • Interests
    Isn't that obvious??!!!
  1. How come the name of a certain camera manufacturer get's replaced by the frase "I am a spammer, please report this post"?!
  2. The feature you mentioned is, as you just wrote, meant for sensor cleaning. What's referred to as Mirror Lock Up is a function where the camera flips the mirror up when the shutter is pressed and then wait for 10-20 seconds before the shutter is released, thus minimizing shake caused by the mirror action. Another way of achieving this effect is to set the camera into live view mode. That will pop up the mirror, but you have to be a little more careful when releasing the shutter, f.e. by using a remote or self timer.
  3. Settings for my shot was: Manual exposure using the "Sunny 16" rule, that translates to an aperture of f/16 and 1/200 second at ISO 200. VR off, AF and light metering set to single point. Image quality set to 14-bit RAW. I also kept my tripod low, with only the bottom sections of the legs extended to minimize vibration and stay out of the wind as much as possible. Post processing: I set the white point, boosted contrast and clarity slightly and added a bit more black in Lightroom 4, followed by some basic sharpening.
  4. Aigore's moon look awfully familiar to mine, a bit further up North :) Shot with an equally simple setup, a 70-300 on a tripod with self timer and mirror lock up. Seems we were lucky here in Scandinavia last night with clear skies and low temperatures, perfect conditions for moon and starlight photography. Had a tiny problem with wind though.
  5. A Merry Christmas to everyone on the forum! May you all have a fine holiday wherever you are - Per
  6. Merry Christmas to you Pierre and your family! Per
  7. Thanks for the warning Holmes. I'm aware that there have been a lot of cradit card frauds in the UK, especially with internet vendors (including Hannant's) so I'm extremely careful with my cards when travelling, trying to use cash whenever possible. But I'll forward your warning to my colleagues and classmates. And of course, I will enjoy all museums, pubs, curry restaurants... ;)
  8. Good to see that the best way to kick off a thread on ARC is still to mention beer or women Got to stay professional..... No seriously, not that I don't enjoy female company, but 8 hours of shopping on Oxford Street isn't my way of spending a weekend. Sure, mate Just beware that most of them are Irish.
  9. Thanks for the hints guys! pigsty: Your're the third or fourth to say that 'Taj Mahal' is worth checking out. Believe me, I will! :( I'm dropping in this Sunday evening and staying until next Friday. That's a long time to spend in such a place, but I'm going to be busy taking classes at Gatwick most of the time. Still, I've got a full weekend of. Thought I might take the opportunity to check out South England as I've been to London lot's of times already (going back again this spring for more training with another customer of ours). Perhaps not the perfect time of year, but I will definetly
  10. I'm heading off to Gatwick for a couple of weeks of training on behalf of my employer (yup, it's aviation related ). Going to stay in Crawley, Sussex most of the time. Any ideas what there may be to see and do in the area? Model shops, camera stores, museums or points of interest? Since I haven't been in the UK for a while, I'm keen to hear any hint on good pubs or restaurants too :) Cheers! ;) Per
  11. This one was just soooo good Steve's April fools pranks have always been great but this time I acutally (almost) bought it for a minute or two (wondering if my roomie had been tampering with my bookmarks again). Now, the million dollar question is...of course...is Gale going to be a reccuring character on ARC? I'm sure Moai Vincent could use her expertice to loose a few pounds
  12. Sorry to brake it but Elin is a rather common name, you just discovered miss Elin Grindemyr Did somebody say Lansen? Lovely bird,eh? For those who haven't heard alreday, there's a 1/48 one coming from Maestro Models any day. Keep up the good work Tobias, I will keep a keen eye on this thread to see what's next!
  13. Thanks! :) Haven't done much building at all for the past 6 months but maybe I'll slab some glue on a few parts this weekend. Looking forward to see your bird aswell. Or should I say "birds", considering the photo? :lol:
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