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Everything posted by Modelmkr

  1. And although others may assign FS numbers to Tamiya paints, Tamiya themselves never has. So Tamiya's XF## may be quoted by people as being FS#####, but only by eye and approximation of the person and not by the manufacturer. But then, I think every manufacturers paint is "an approximation" of the actual FS colour; I guess it's up to us, the modeler, to accept their rendition or look elesewhere.
  2. I have no idea if this is of any value or not, but I did find this.
  3. And lets not forget that the kit seats usually are not well represented in plastic, so a resin seat goes a long way to fix this as well.
  4. Most will say the OEZ/ Kopro (KP) kit for straight out of the box Pros: accurate shape and outline; nice but delicate decals; good array of weapons Cons: Panel lines a bit heavy and completely fade out in places; fit is a bit fiddly; no real cockpit detail or MLG bay detail The other option is the Monogram kit Pros: nice crisp engraved panel lines; better fit Cons: represents a pre-production model; lousy decals; some minor shape issues; not much of a cockpit; no intake trunking; incorrect #2 and #9 pylons; weapons are bady represented. Even with all it's flaws, I'd rather convert and c
  5. Ah, I see what you mean now. In that case I'd have to agree. I have two (unbuilt) 1/48 Hasegawa Tomcats and the rubber wheels in these kits are just fine, no disintegration. And these kits were bought ~15+ years ago (Yeah, I know. Get of my arse and build them already).
  6. For "in theatre" use the late style would be the way to go. If you want to do one of the unique early development grey or camo schemes, the early style would be more appropriate. Personally, I tend to avoid the SAC landing gear as they are nothing more than a (often poorly) metal recast of the built up kit parts... There, I said it. So unless the kit needs stronger landing gear to take the weight of the kit (typically 1/32), I personally don't see them as an upgrade.
  7. I would suggest some of the following options: For the seats, get the Quickboost F-4 Phantom seats (2 in a pack #48004, molded on harness) or the Aires F-4 Phantom seats (2 in a pack #4142, PE harness). For the cockpit, either get one of the above seat sets in combination with the Eduard color PE set (#49319 full set with color parts and canopy details or #FE319 Zoom set color only parts) or the full Aires cockpit set (#4160) Your choice will depend on weather you like to work with PE or like to paint your own cockpit details. HTH.
  8. Definately not a rumor! I had an AMT 1/48 F7F Tigercat that had the rubber wheels and it melted the tire hubs to goo. A friend of mine had the same kit and the tires were packed in with the clear parts and melted an impression right into the canopy. I think that the materials used today are fine, and a lot of people are just gun-shy from horrors of the past. Time will tell if the newer kits "rubber" tires will dry out and crack over say, 10, 20, 30+ years.
  9. Fair enough. Also, fair enough. I wasn't sure if the WAR HUD was included in the Aggressor kit or if the need to modify the nose gear door, inlet bulge and wide front tire we see so often on the export block 52 (or only on 52+?) were applicable to the USAF block 52. So then here, it all depends what era one is modeling and then careful research would be needed. Thanks for the heads up on that.
  10. Chuk, what the hell!? What's with all the natural light through the big picture window? Don't you know you're supposed to be holed up in a corner of the basement with nothing but a 25 watt bare incandescent bulb to work by going half-blind in the process? Booo, unfair advantage!
  11. At no point is there a mention of scale here. From the chatter, everyone is assuming 1/48th scale, but then you mention white plastic landing gear, which I believe was only in the T-birds version of the 1/32 scale Tamiya kit. So which scale are we talking about? *IF* you are refering to 1/48, you're best bet is to get the Tamiya 1/48 Agressor kit. It has all the parts to do any one of a block 25,30,32,50. I left out the 40/42/52 as these need some addtional bits not in the box, but suffice to say all parts are included to do heavyweight/ lightweight landing gear, big mouth/ smallmouth (NSI) i
  12. The enitre base or part of? I ask because the panel is only 5" high and 8" wide.
  13. If only there was someone around skilled at making Russian pylons............ if only
  14. That... is brilliant! Wonderful execution of a equally wonderful idea. Cheers :P
  15. Shame. I'm sure someone like Quickboost will supply a set, but at that price one should not have to spend extra to have all the REQUIRED parts to complete a kit. Is the jury still out on shape issues or are these definately present to some degree or other? Seemed to go back and forth on the other thread.
  16. There's no link to go to. It's just a text line in the "Kits" window (mid-page) under the "Future" tab, stating - "We are preparing following kits for future months:" "Bf 110 DASHBOARD 1/4 Limited Edition" If you want to see a built up version go to this thread A very nice job by one of our ARC'ers.
  17. Check it here: Review No mention on shape issues, positive or negative. I think Michael did not want to kick that hornet's nest (and I don't blame him). I'm sure plenty will chime in with their views on this. In previous posts there was mention of the missing outermost weapons pylons (dedicated for AA-8's, I think). I am unsure if I can see them in the review's sprue shots. Perhaps on the 7th sprue image on the tree with the inlet trunking? Your thoughts?
  18. Hmm, 5 minutes. Surprised it took that long to get snapped up <_<
  19. Under future releases, Eduard is listing the "Bf 110 DASHBOARD 1/4 Limited Edition" as a to be released item. So for all those that missed the Royal Class Bf110 kits that included this IP or want to buy it seperately, your in luck!
  20. HobbyBoss = Trumpeter, and traditionally some 1/32 efforts from Trumpeter have been scaled down to 1/48 scale under their HobbyBoss line. As to time frame from 1/32 release to 1/48 relase, I'm not sure what kit has made the fastest transistion to that scale after initial 1/32 release, but if HobbyBoss/Trumpeter is going to do this I wouldn't expect to see a 1/48 Flogger until next year. Oh, and yeah... I'll join in on that prayer.
  21. Just read this... Personally I think the chances of a Millenium Falcon in 1/48 from Fine Molds (or any other platic kit manufacturer) are somewhere between "forget it" and "not a chance in hell". The tooling costs for this would be enormous and a price tag to boot ($400 is on the low side, I think... more likely $600-$800). So with that price tag on a main line release, the market would be so small that sales would not allow them to recover costs. The business reality is that if you can't make a profit on something, you don't tool for it or market it. Anyway, the rumour sounds like just that.
  22. I *think* this is where you made your errors... see attached pics. Hope this is right.
  23. For the aluminum paint treated wings I have used a 50/50 mixture of Testors MM chrome silver (regular enamel, not metallizer) and clear gloss to good effect; the remainder of the areas use your preferred metalizer paint (Alclad gets my vote). Just pick some random panels to spray in "slightly" different shades to give an interesting effect... no firm rules on that point. Remember that on the wings, the flaps were bare metal, not treated with aluminum paint. I'm sure there are other natural metal/ painted metal area distictions I'm forgetting... no references in front of me at the moment.
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