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About Jennings

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    It's all part of the show...

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    Southun' Vuhginia, U.S. of A.

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  1. worse men remain, yet you got pegged

  2. So do the other boxes not have them at all? The cheapest one I can find is the Swiss limited edition (bizarre as that is).
  3. I've searched the forums with no luck. Is there a thread somewhere that gives what parts are found in what boxings of the AFV Club 1/48 F-5E? I want to do an early build airplane with the original radome and the original LERXs. Tks!
  4. That's a fairly recent addition. They didn't have them for many years.
  5. It depends on the time period, as antenna fits could (can) vary. The F-15J lacks the DECM system of the US birds, so there is a skinny flutter weight on top of both vertical fins, vs. a counterweight on one and a big fat sausage on top of the other on all USAF birds. The basic airframe is the same. It's just small details that differentiate them. I'm not sure if the GWH kit comes with two counterweights or not. I know the Hasegawa kits do.
  6. I like the Zvezda F-2/F-4 (and probably the G-6) simply because it's not covered with rivets. Eduard's rivet detail is extremely fine, but IMHO in 1/48 it's still way overdone to be anything like accurate.
  7. Well, it's not like you're paying $58 for a set of props, now is it? There's a LOT of resin in that set, and it *dramatically* improves every aspect of the old Matchbox war horse.
  8. I see no reason to think they've cancelled it. Schedules often slip.
  9. B-24 props are not accurate for a Privateer. Get the Cobra Company set and be done with it.
  10. Nice! I've always liked that color combination on the Mirage.
  11. Air Superiority Blue was long gone by 1980. If you see an airplane in two-tone camouflage, it's the Light and Dark Ghost Gray. Photo reproduction (especially anything you see online) is always highly suspect. I've never seen an Eagle in anything besides standard LGG and DGG in service. It might *appear* more blue in some photos, but standard colors are standard because they're standard. I've not seen a single F-15A/B of that time period that wore anything else. The candy striped F-15s only existed for a very short time in the late 1970s at Luke AFB. The white tail codes and serials are
  12. I sure wish Eduard would do a PR.XI...
  13. Yep! And BTW, it was not N3029, it was P9495 :)
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