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Space Tiger Hobbes

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About Space Tiger Hobbes

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    Step away from the computer!

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  1. Does anyone know if the SAC gear for the Roden 141 will fit the A&A kit? I just got the A&A kit. I don't know how it will go together, but the engraved panel lines are very petite and even in just a cursory inspection. And I've got the Caracal NASA decals for it.
  2. Sorry to hear that, Darren. You could license someone else to cast your stuff.
  3. Is it possible to make a US F-15E out of the Great Wall F-15I? If so, how? Thanks.
  4. That really does seem to have most of the same ones plus more. I'll look around. Thanks!
  5. Looking forward to seeing what they come up with. Sexy and/or colorful. The Zotz sheets were great, if they'd only been done in 1/48 also. Some great choices for planes.
  6. Thanks. Sorry to hear that. They made some great deals. Maybe someone will buy their artwork and continue the line.
  7. Is Zotz Decals still in business? I can't find a link for a home page or a FB page etc. I love his 1/32 B-25 decals and wondered if they're available in 1/48?
  8. Which was a lot bigger, swoopier and sexier than this other one, which more resembles the model:
  9. Thanks! It's the Monogram kit, not the Testors kit. It was indeed Loral advertising. Not sure I knew Scalemates had instructions.
  10. Would anyone have a link to the old Monogram 1/48 F-19 instructions or a scan of the instructions they could send me? Thanks.
  11. Just thinking about your idea for generic markings, in addition to NACA/NASA markings, you might include a good selection of serial numbers, TEST, and other markings to assist with doing the lesser-known planes. NACA/NASA has flown about everything. Might even be worth doing this sheet in 1/144, 1/72 and 1/48 scales. A couple of the many references: https://www.grc.nasa.gov/WWW/portal/apps/naca/ https://history.nasa.gov/SP-3300/ch3.htm
  12. Twenty-nine Monogram B-25s starting at $13 shipped and going right on up is "overflowing." Eighty-five Monogram 1/48 P-51s starting at $4 is "overflowing." Otherwise, certainly anything you want - anything you want - is "available." At some price. Price, in reality, indeed, makes many things "difficult to get." I look forward to seeing where this re-pop is priced.
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