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About zark

  • Rank
    Step away from the computer!
  • Birthday 03/01/1967

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    Patras Greece

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  1. Hi everybody !!!!...Well, my next project is going to be ...what you see in the photo. Any information, help regarding that particular aircraft would be appreciated...Thanks in advance!!!
  2. Thanks for the reply Darren, everything is cleared up now!!!
  3. Thanks for your input guys...so I suppose we all come to the same conclusion...zunis never used operationaly !!!
  4. Question to the Tomcat experts...Was it ever used in action as a FAC, loaded with unguided rockets such as Zunis? Years ago back in 1998 FSM had posted an article regarding an F-14 Fast FAC (VF-103), loaded with Lgbs and Zuni rockets on the shoulder pylon...Checking my books/magazines as well as the net and posting the same question on FB, I didnt find any relative information or photos to confirm that...anyone???...is anything out there???☺️
  5. Just an idea...built a long time ago when the Monogram was the only offering in 1/48...but I dont mind...the blast walls are scratchbuilt...
  6. ...and the rest of course. Not a "preshading" as such, just to give some "depth" where I think is needed.
  7. ...modifications here and there...all scratchbuilt...
  8. Soooo...after a looong time here we go again... ...some work to make the 33 to look like a J-15...
  9. Hi everybody!...Well, I am gathering information regarding the J-15. I have the Kinetic Su-33 and the Dream models conversion set, sooooo...I am starting with the cockpit. Since I am planning to represent the "yellow" trials aircraft...it might be different for these "trials" aircraft, what colour is the interior...any guesses ???...grey???...blue???...yellow???
  10. LoL...!!!...I am going to send them my questions in "Greek"...and they will answer me back in "Chinese"...!!!!!
  11. Soooooo...!!!...what's the point of using red "paint" instead of "yellow" in the Chinese carrier....???
  12. Thanks for the note Ken...I'll keep it in my mind!!!
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