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Jim S

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About Jim S

  • Rank
    Tenax Sniffer (Open a window!)

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    The land that time (and common decency) forgot

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  1. You’re welcome. One can never have too many Spitfires!
  2. Hello. I believe the original tool Tamiya Spitfire Mk I fuselage tree is identical to the successively released Mk Vb. There is a review of the Tamiya Mk Vb on Modelingmadness and SVA confirms this in text. There is a pic of the trees related to the kit review. Check it out. Maybe someone can spare their non-tropical chin from their Mk Vb or alternately use it as an excuse to pick up the Mk Vb. If all else fails I can dig up my Mk Vb this weekend and send the surplus chin your way.Hope this helps. Jim S 61035 is the Spitfire Mk Vb Tropical kit number reviewed on MM
  3. Awesome pics. Thank you for sharing!
  4. Bump from a satisfied customer! Thank you for the excellent customer service Ken!
  5. Just a bump from another satisfied customer. Super fast service, kits were safely packed, received exactly what I expected. Thank you Rod D!
  6. Hello. Interested in one Academy 1/48 scale F-4B if still available. I can pay with PayPal. Thank you.
  7. KursadA, Received the FJ-2 sheets the other day and finally had time to check them out today and they’re perfect! Including markings for pre production airframes goes above and beyond what anyone else would do. Thank you! Also, thank you for your time, effort, and willingness (when feasible) to listen to your customers. Best regards, Jim S
  8. I am intrigued by the possibilities 3D printing brings to our hobby. The draw (pardon the pun) to me would be for improving kit parts, possibly in place of resin parts, or possibly conversions that could be adapted to kits. I recently started following an Instagram member who is cranking out nicely detailed 1/72 aircraft. He claims to be using Autodesk Fusion 360 to design his projects.The only thing I find disappointing is all of the time creating and printing to produce a model with a vacuform canopy.
  9. Yes I understand. You have to draw the line somewhere. Safe travels!
  10. Think Testors also makes a decal bonding spray but your best bet is to locate some aftermarket decals. I believe the Grand Phoenix kit had Eagle Strike decals but I’m not sure....I would offer my kit decals but because the kit is the same age as yours, the decals are probably in a similar state. I know Print Scale has a 1/48 Firefly I sheet (48-058) but can’t vouch for the quality. Found these also but can’t vouch for quality. 1001 modelkits link
  11. Sorry the hear of you continue struggles. Microscale makes a decal “Saver”, basically airbrush it over the old decal sheet. Microscale MI-12 I used to use this on laser printed decals. Hope this helps, Jim S
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