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Curt B

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Everything posted by Curt B

  1. So, it looks like no external differences between the 'no DMAS' and 'DMAS' aircraft, cockpit differences only. Gents, many thanks for the education! Your answers helped me a lot!!
  2. Hi All, I had an older thread, talking about the ZM versus Meng F-4G, and in that thread, DMAS was mentioned at least once, but not really discussed. I don't know what DMAS is, presumably a system on the F-4. The reason for my thread, here, is to determine the significance of DMAS on the airplane. My only awareness of DMAS is because there are 2 different Quinta cockpit sets for the Meng F-4G, and I ended up getting both of them, one including DMAS and one without. It appears that the set without DMAS is an earlier F-4G, and in that Quinta set, they include a 3D printed hood
  3. Hi All, I have a Gunze/Procon Boy PS270 airbrush, and it has a MAC valve (I think that stands for Micro Air Control). I honestly have never used the MAC valve, but after every use, I cycle the valve (screwing full out to full in, then full out) to make sure it remains functional. However, over time, the valve has become harder to turn, and I'm guessing the threads are clogged with paint of other things that have dripped down. I can't really see anything on the threads, and I try to clean them periodically with a bush. I have never seen, contrary to all the other parts
  4. No, I've never built or even seen a 1/48 B-17 'in the flesh'. As i wrote, I have quite a few modern jets in 1/48, and they are pretty big, also. I'm thinking about the Su-27 and MiG-31, and even an F-14 with wings full forward, as examples, but the B-17 makes them look small in comparison. (As an aside, I'm amazed how tiny a modern jet can be and still carry a heavier maximum payload than a B-17!!). I hope you get your B-17 today.
  5. My B-17 just got here a short while ago (thank you Squadron / Brandon Lowe). While I knew it was going to be a big airplane, I honestly had no idea how huge this thing is!!! I only cracked the box for a minute, as I wanted to actually see the plastic, and the way it's packed makes it look like the wings are molded in one piece (not the case, but an incredible presentation, tot be sure)!! Very impressive model. I've never gotten anything that looks as imposing as this plane. I can only imagine what this thing would/will look like when placed on the same surface as my other 1/48 WWII pla
  6. Hey Bernie, thank you. Outstanding images there, great suggestion. I hadn’t thought to use the search term ’gun bays’. I’m usually better than that, so thanks for getting mecehstni wanted!!
  7. Oh, barkin, great stuff!!! Thank you!!! 😊
  8. Hey All, I'm working on my 1/48 MiniArt P-47D, and i would like to display at least one wing's gun compartment hatches open. Frankly, i've never done a model before where the guns and ammunition have been on display, and i was wondering if anyone knows where some good images, preferably in color, exist for what a combat P-47D gun compartment would have looked like. i'd be happy with such images of any WWII gun compartment on nanny aircraft type, as I'm not really sure how to tackle this. Even photos of other builds that have the right feels would be fine. Can anyone help me?
  9. Ahhhh, lucky you! I'm just happy to be getting the pre-order extras that I'll get from thhe Eduard resellers. I kind of ordered this B-17 on a whim. I'd never considered building such a huge plane, though, honestly, a lot of the 1/48 modern jets are pretty big themselves, and I've got a BUNCH of those. Now, just trying to figure out shelf space....
  10. Hard to say, but Eduard wants to sell as much as they can, like any business. I’m guessing that it might be awhile, but they will eventually put the upgrades up for sale. Years back, Dragon made some kits that were supposed to be limited edition, but today, you can buy that ‘limited edition’ anywhere.
  11. Wow, cool update, guys! Thank you so much...looks like my B-17 will be coming quite soon!! Yea!! 🤗
  12. Hey All, This is probably a stupid question, but has anyone heard anything about the release date of the subject kit? I placed a pre-order some weeks back, and I am certainly not in need of this kit because I don't have enough models to work on, but curious if there has been any talk about when we might see this kit 'hit the street'. I've never really been one to do pre-orders, though I did most recently place a pre-order for the Magic Factory A-4M, which was released recently, and which I now have in my hands. I've never contemplated a build as huge as a 1/48 B-17, and while
  13. I just wanted to add my thanks to soutthwestforests for posting this really great video! I think that too many of us don't give any thought into how our toys are made, or want to know and haven't gotten a good story of how it really happens.. Wonderful video, and thanks again!
  14. Thank you sir…glad to see that this thread has been of some value to someone other than me 😌 I can say that it is great to know, at least, that this Miniart P-47D, CAN be built with no wing gaps AND using no filler, and STILL get the airplane’s basic shape correct! Happy P-47 building, everyone!!
  15. Wow, great points, and thanks for the photo. Compared to the photograph you provided, I would say my wings have just the tiniest bit more dihedral, but not dramatically so. I actually tried a new method (to me) when attaching the wings. I did no trimming at all of the attachment areas on the wings or the fuselage, but when dry fitting the wings, I noted that there appeared to be pretty large seams remaining. So, to try to resolve that was to glue the bottom of the wings first. I used manual pressure to push and hold the wings such that there were no gaps at all at the glued joints. I use
  16. Thanks for the tutorial…I meant to write dihedral. I am not sure how I used the wrong term. I have changed the topic title to the correct one, and also updated the text of all my posts, and identified what I did and why in the ‘reason for edit’ boxes so I don’t make those who replied sound incorrect. I appreciate the help!!!! I meant to say that this kit seems to have its wings at a MORE exaggerated upward angle than the real plane, or at least compared to line drawings of the aircraft or compared to the Tamiya kit. I know comparing kit to kit is not a good way to verify anything, but it w
  17. Thanks for the info. I hadn’t recalled seeing any discussion about the wing dihedral either, which I find truly amazing with all the rivet counters on the ‘net. I am absolutely NOT one of those, hence my surprise at finding what appears to me to be a significant divergence from accuracy for this airplane. Other than that, the build and detail has been pretty much fine, though I must say that construction of the engine cowl was far more fiddly than I think a new mold plane should have.
  18. Hi All, I’m sure this point must have come up well before now, but has anyone noticed a quite exaggerated dihedral to the subject wings? I’ve look at planform diagrams of P-47s, and compared this kit’s wings to my partially built Tamiya P-47D, and find the wings to have a quite noticeable dihedral tilt. I was particularly careful to prevent gaps at the wing/fuselage joints, so I know the wing ‘tilt’ is what Miniart designed into the kit. Am I the only one who has noted this??!
  19. All of that makes sense! Greatly appreciate the response!!
  20. Hi All, Hoping to get a question answered here. I've noticed that on the new Miniart P-47, the port aileron has what appears to be a 'normal' trim tab, while the starboard aileron does NOT have a trim tab, but instead seems to have a small extra fixed control surface extending aft from the inboard side of the aileron. Why the difference and what is that starboard aileron 'extension'? Thanks for any help.
  21. Cool, good for you, Mike. i've had so manny modeling 'irons in the fire' that I've not had a moment to actually consider building one or both P-51Bs. You'll probably finish yours along before me! 😊 if so, I hope you post photos of your planes!
  22. Excellent point! 😊
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