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About CorsairMan

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    Life Member (Mon-Key Handler)

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  1. We hear a lot about hobby shops closing. Many reasons for this right now. However, there are some local hobby shops that are surviving and thriving. How are they doing it? I look at it here: Hobby Shops Bucking the trend. Do you guys know of any other shops that are expanding and surviving?
  2. I did something really dumb and broke a canopy piece from a Fujimi kit. I have followed the instructions and contacted the correct email address to order a replacement part. But I’m not getting anywhere. I was hoping a colleague in Japan would help me out. I’m willing to pay for the part and shipping. I just need help doing so! thanks!
  3. The Academy kit scared me with the alignment and joins - hopefully Tamiya has resolved these issues. I go into the significance of the Miss Virginia Lightning here.
  4. Big kit with a big box! I've been looking forward to getting this one since seeing the mockup kit at the 2018 Nationals. I finally cleared off the bench and put this guy on it: The instruction book is a bit intimidating as it truly is a book with 100s of images. But once you get used to the format (each step can feature multiple explanations of exactly where each piece goes!). And oddly - at least for us aviation modelers - construction begins with the engines! And these are a treat - check this out: Pistons! Of course they will be immediately hidden within t
  5. Hello ARC I want to build one of these Sabres and my options are limited. Hasegawa has a 1/48 RF-86 that would work and I know there was some aftermarket conversion set(s) out a few years ago to do a conversion. I am interested in either route! Please let me know Chris
  6. It is nothing so ulterior - my blog is not monetized and I am not generating traffic. I write the occasional article for my blog and I share it here and other locations. I try to get more "builds" and/or "model picture" posts up but sometimes my builds don't progress fast enough. Anyway, the link is for those who are interested. Good idea to provide more context but its far easier and faster to put the pictures up on the blog.
  7. Everything I have to say is right there in my blog and I used the handy link tool so you can find it easily.
  8. Maybe I am wrong about this, but I think there are great benefits from rivet counters.
  9. Hi Ret Great models, buddy! I'm sure the judges thought so too. The lander was fantastic, I'd like to build one someday. Hope to see you at CapCon in the fall Chris
  10. Hi Holmes! I did take down 5 models - and was dodging the rain trying to get them onto the show tables! The judges were very kind in awarding them 3 Firsts and 2 Seconds. Luckily we caught a break in the rain at the end of the day so packing them back up was far easier!
  11. What a great show! Torcan 2019
  12. Yeah...no. Don is one of those guys who makes this hobby better. There is no way he would have ripped off anyone. I have done a ton of business with Don G over the years - and will continue to do so. Chris
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