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Everything posted by Pal

  1. Szia Gábor! I am happy to take over the kit. Yes, it is far from perfect, but as we spoke this kit seems to be a better candidate to turn it to a nice, Hungarian MiG-19 PM. The other option would be the original KP kit which is not much worse than the current one except that it has a ton of rivets that has to be sanded off, not talking about the extra mini air brakes on the fuselage sides (mistery!). One more chance is the Bilek kit that forms a P or PM version (two separate kits), but it’s not a very good kit either. Trumpeter had for a long time in their catalogues the PM version, bu
  2. Szia Gábor! Very nostalgic! 🤗 I remember this kit and noted well at that time how precisely the kit was built but especially how nicely the cockpit was depicted. All the tiny tumbler switches and moreover all in 1:72. It was jaw dropping… Good to see that you preserved it with other kits. You might want to take it out from the box just to take a few photos to share? 😉 Because we are still at the “Past” chapter… Take care!
  3. Szia Gábor! You are welcome anytime! I look forward to seeing your analysis of the new kit and moreover the progress of building it. Cheers, Pali
  4. Hi Gábor, I am glad that I could help you with the kit. The delivery was really fast! So good to see you back in the topic and hope you enjoy building the Phantom. Take care! 😊 Pali
  5. Szia Gábor! Again you are the master of the details! I cannot imagine how you can make all this mostly in 1:72 scale... Looking forward to seeing the progress of your PF build, hopefully soon with some jaw dropping details.🤩 Take care and see you soon! Pali
  6. Szia Gábor! Good to see you in action again. Your job is very clean and high quality. Just exactly what we expect from this thread... Stay safe and happy modelling! 🙂
  7. Hi Gábor, I also wish you all the best for 2020! I look forward to seeing your progress photos so that I can learn a lot. Happy modeling! 😊 Pali
  8. Hi Gábor, I am very happy to see these photos, I was amazed when the articles were published, still I have those magazines. I keep the precious resin parts and also the perfect photo etched sheets with my KP MiG-19, hopefully it can be finished one day... in fact that was the time when our friendship started. The sleek, elegant MiG-19 PM is on my wishlist since then. Happy modelling! 🙂
  9. Hi Gábor, Thanks for the detailed analysis, the kit looks really nicely moulded. The ejection seat is also very good, mostly after acknowleding that it is 1:72 scale. Hope I can see the results after you put your fine brushes into action. 🤗 Enjoy the build! Cheers, Pali
  10. Hi Gábor, Many thanks for sharing the photos of my “favourite area” behind the cockpit. It seems the guys at Modelsvit have done a good job and taken care of the details. I like the result a lot... Also I think the ejection seat is very nicely detailed, may be the best that can be made by molding in such a small scale, although I leave it to your expertiism if it really well replicates the original thing. In the meantime I am trying to order my sample from ebay, I know it will not be a disappointment. Cheers, Pali
  11. Hi Gábor, Thank you for sharing the photos. The kit looks very nice in the box. My only question is the area behind the cockpit that is full of control rods and yellow fuel lines, and those make this section very “busy”. As I could see, in the kit this area builds up from several pieces ( base with the control rods molded on and several separate fuel lines) and make it more or less authentic, will look good under the transparent part. Please do not wait too long to start the kit, I am curious about your opinion. Cheers, Pali
  12. Hi Gábor, Congratulation, you have turned this tiny model to a real gem. I have to admit that it is small, very small... Really can’t wait to see the Mk.2 and Mk.3 versions with all their precise goodies. Cheers, Pali
  13. Well, there has been no MiG brought to Mosonshow by the Modelsvit Team. It’s a pity, for me personally it would have been one of the highlights of the new stuff, and also a good chance to introduce the kit to the public. That’s life... I think I am not the only one who got disappointed. Next year then...
  14. Hi Gábor, Nice job! Two more sleeps and I can see it again in real... Really curious what more you’ll do with the Mk2 and Mk3 sisters. I could see some “missing plastic” on the Mk2 fuselage. Always wonder how you can make those precise cut outs... Please make a silver one and a camouflaged one in Hungarian colours. See you on Saturday! Pali
  15. Happy Easter Gábor! I am looking forward to keeping the Izdeliye 74 in my hands. Hope that the Modelsvit team brings enough... I wonder how Modelsvit could work out the details behind the cockpit where a bunch of control rods and fuel lines are located. I pretty much like the yellow coloured pipelines as they are outstanding from the silver-metallic finish of the MiG. So far this area was overlooked by the firms, although I have to admit, the area is very small in 1:72 scale. See you at Mosonshow! Pali
  16. Szia Gábor, Precise, defined job as usual, one can say this is what we expect from you. This tiny scale just makes things even more difficult when we talk about extra details. I especially like the way how you have treated the sink marks on the upper side of the wings. I have already taken over your method and found its advantages (no further shrinking, the superglue is hard, hence you can make the engraving easier and more defined). It’s also a good idea that you have chosen the way that the airframe is uniformly grey, so that it makes the Master guns more outstanding an
  17. Brilliant work Gábor, as usual. Please keep going! 🤩
  18. Szia Gábor! Very precise job, I like it a lot. This is rather a watchmaker’s job 🙂 Please keep going, waiting for further details and progress. Cheers.
  19. Szia Gábor! Very nice job as usual from you. Waiting for all new details you might add to the kit and looking for the news with great interest. Keep up the good progress! Cheers, Pali
  20. Pal

    Farman F.190 in 1/72

    Very nice replica of a not very well-known airplane. I specially like the Spanish Civil War versions. Congratulation!
  21. Very nice R-33 Gábor! :) How about some other "small" detail parts of the MiG-31 kit? Looking forward to seeing those too... Cheers
  22. Hi! This page will link you to a very good (and bilingual Hungarian/English) page, where you can find a lot of detail photos about a Hungarian MiG-21 F-13 (Type 74). Those include the afterburner section as well. http://repulomuzeum.hu/Leltar/Leltarfotok/813lt.htm I hope it helps. Best regards, Pal
  23. Good photos Gábor, thank you! Do you have some about the afterburner section of the bis and/or PF version as well?
  24. Hi Gábor, Good photos, please keep them showing! Thank you for sharing! Cheers, Pali
  25. Hi, I think you might have to sign in first so that you can see the photos. You can mail me at palbiegelbauer@yahoo.com and will be able to send photos and/or translation if needed. Cheers, Pál
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