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About pollie

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  • Birthday 07/03/1971

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    Kingdom of the Netherlands

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  1. A whole lot of manufacturers DO provide some info on variants in their instructions. 'Use part 6 for decal version 1', 'Fill hole for version B' etc etc. Kinetic does the same in their F-16AM kit. However; the info Kinetic provides is partially incorrect and incomplete. To give you an example of variant differences in the Kinetic instructions: the small hole in the panel on the right hand side of the cockpit (externally) is noted in the instructions as something like 'fill hole except for Belgian F-16'. It would be very easy to overlook that small vent hole (I believe it's for Carapace sy
  2. Yes, a good description of the specifics of the jets you provide decals for would allow everybody to build the most accurate representation of that particular jet. If modellers choose to follow those guidelines is up to each individual, but as manufacturer of kits you would build a reputation for being attentive to detail.
  3. Sure. Here are just a few differences, focusing on the area around the intake that are different between either the country, version or differ from the Kinetic kit. The more I look at sprue shots, the more things I notice. I hope this helps you guys build an even more accurate F-16AM!
  4. You are missing my point, Raymond. If you knew there are differences in panels, why didn't you just indicate these in the instructions? You did with more obvious things like, for example, the removal of beercans from the LEFs on MLU birds. And secondly; there is no such thing as A or C NSI. Talking F-16A/B alone: there are differences between the intakes of Block 10 A/B, Block 15 OCU A/B and MLU AM/BM. Comms panel, EPU pin location, EPU fired indicator, access panel left hand side with ENG NO GO indicator etc etc. You would need to mould many different air intakes which is complet
  5. Looking at how they designed the cockpit glazing, this would mean no forward vision for a singleseat pilot in the middle? Good luck landing this plane 🙂
  6. I disagree. If I look at all the bulges, beercans etc you need to scrape off and the panels they got wrong this kit seems like an F-16C that they also released as MLU without clearly marking all the differences. As I pointed out, small mouth is not small mouth. There are exterior differences between small mouth A and C intakes, and Kinetic failed to notice or chose to ignore. Kinetic should have checked their references more thoroughly and clearly marked differences in the instructions! They've missed a few, so when building it you'll end up with some kind of AM/C h
  7. There is a difference in intakes between the F-16AM and F-16C. I have never seen a hinged access panel on the left side of the F-16AM except for a Block 10 MLU prototype. The F-16C has it. There are also small oval, springloaded panels on the left and right side of the intake which are F-16C specific. Kinetic tooled it on their intake but shouldn't be there for an MLU. The intake navigationlight bulge is also non-existent on many older F-16s. Some MLU models have a strengthening plate there, but this is way too thick. I applaud Kinetic for giving us a new-
  8. Thank you Solo! I had a look at the instructions and they confirmed what I expected. Build out-of-the-box and you have an F-16C intake. Quite some mistakes in the instructions: dragchute was carried by Dutch and Norwegian planes, Carapace system by the Belgians in the same location. Kinetic tells you to install Carapace for a Dutch Viper. Sniper was carried not only by the Norwegian jets, but by Belgian and Dutch as well. Curious how the Kinetic Viper looks when glued together.
  9. Same with the Dutch F-16s, although I think only the Block 15 OCU aircraft could carry AMRAAMs (besides the MLU jets of course). Don't know if they put LAU-129s on the Block 10s since we had a lot of the 16S210 older style launchers laying around. Finding references is the safest bet. When looking at the Kinetic plastic, some filling and rescribing is in order to produce a Block 10/15. The left intake requires work for example. I haven't yet seen the Kinetic instructions; hope all these changes needed to come up with a true-to-scale F-16A(M) are documented.
  10. The Dutch still fly the F-16 (next to the F-35). They are slated for withdrawal in 2024. Only the F-16AM is still in use since the last twoseat BMs were retired during the summer.
  11. A longer clip of the incident shows at least one aircraft, probably P-51, flying in front of the B-17. I believe the P-63 was trying to catch up with the P-51, and in doing so, the pilot's eyes were glued to the Mustang in the distance. The P-63 was also in a left bank meaning the B-17 was in the blind spot. I firmly believe this was not an attempt to join up. The poor P-63 pilot wasn't aware of the B-17's position until he hit it mid-ship. Try this video to see how much bank that P-63 was in: Boeing B-17 and Bell P-63 Kingcobra planes collided at Dallas airshow and crashed - YouTu
  12. Hobby Town LAS - Hobby Shop Directory - ARC Discussion Forums (arcforums.com)
  13. Info on colour schemes on their FB page. Sadly no Bulgarian option, but two Czech.... Clearpropmodels | Facebook
  14. I don't think it is a matter of 'if' but more of 'when'. My bet will be an announcement during Shizuoka hobbyshow 2023 (May).
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