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Everything posted by UKPonchoMan

  1. Sorry Ken - the pic I was referring to was this one... I will try to underexpose as suggested in future - in the meantime I'm wondering it it is worth having my camera and lenses checked out...
  2. Ken, thanks for playing with the C-130 image - you seem to have brought out a lot of detail that wasn't there before - can you tell me exactly what you did? Chris
  3. Actually, in the Trans Am shot the sun was just overhead and behind me.... In the C-130 shot the sun was in front but behind a lot of clound... I'm beginning to think the problem is my camera though - looking at the superb pics from the Valiant show just shows up the difference... Also, I've taken a load of photographs of one of my car models and they're not crisp either, despite the fact they were taken with the camera on a tripod, the subject in a light tent and the camera set on AWB, ISO 100 and running as slow as necessary... http://forum.spc.org.uk/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=12540
  4. Guys, I came back from RAF Fairford yesterday and reviewed my photos to find that they were nowhere as good as I'd expected. I wonder if any of you could offer advice as to what's happening... This is a typical pic. My camera is a Canon EOS300D with an EF Series III 28-80 ultrasonic zoom. I had the ISO set at 200 (I think!) and was running with aperture preselected at F8. I have the F stop up by 1/3 of a stop to account for the foul weather - it was overcast but reasonably bright, and the sun kept breaking through. The white balance was set to auto by the way... I was shooting large jpeg
  5. If you're going to do an ex USN F-21, what about an ATSI Kfir too??
  6. Although this is probably off topic, you've taken all the fun out of any subsequent comments now!!
  7. Noooo! It's a great idea, but the problem with blue tac is that once it warms up it's possibly the stickiest material in the know universe! And paint has a habit of not drying on it and coming off on your model (go on, ask me how I know... )!
  8. I can't believe you're asking that question, Mr USAF!!!
  9. I had exactly the same problem with a car model - the clay left a stick residue that wouldn't come off! I've since found some stuff which is called modelling "dough" - it's got the same properties but doesn't seem to be sticky... Will try it out and see how I get on...
  10. I've got an HP-CH which is probably the best investment I ever made. However, it's not designed for spraying larger areas and I'm planning to get my Revell Pilot working for larger stuff... The CH is highly recommended, although I would go with the smaller cup unless you really need the larger one...
  11. I've got both the Eduard set and the Flightpath set. From memory, the Flightpath one gives you floor details. However, neither does anything about the cockpit which really needs someone to do a proper resin set. So offhand, I'd say not, not really worth the money, but that's just my view!
  12. Excellent idea in 1/72! Now if you could do some proper '70s white stencilling too...
  13. Guys, my new workshop is almost complete. I am working on the paint booth area and have not been able to decide how to ventilate all the fumes. Would a cooker hood move enough air to work, or would a decent extractor fan work? Alternatively, I considered hooking up some 120mm computer fans ?? All ideas greatfully received! Chris
  14. The IPMS UK USAF Special Interest Group website has now been re-launched! The new site is based on a Content Management System so it is much easier to maintain, and hopefully much easier to access too! There are quite a few changes to the new site - we have simplified the menus to make things easier to find, there is now a search facility, and the photo galleries work properly!! We are also planning ongoing updates to the site to keep it fresh and to keep adding new content. A couple of other things you will notice straight away... • We have created a new board on the forum called "Scale
  15. The IPMS UK USAF Special Interest Group website has now been re-launched! The new site is based on a Content Management System so it is much easier to maintain, and hopefully much easier to access too! There are quite a few changes to the new site - we have simplified the menus to make things easier to find, there is now a search facility, and the photo galleries work properly!! We are also planning ongoing updates to the site to keep it fresh and to keep adding new content. A couple of other things you will notice straight away... • We have created a new board on the forum called "Scale
  16. The IPMS UK USAF Special Interest Group website has now been re-launched! The new site is based on a Content Management System so it is much easier to maintain, and hopefully much easier to access too! There are quite a few changes to the new site - we have simplified the menus to make things easier to find, there is now a search facility, and the photo galleries work properly!! We are also planning ongoing updates to the site to keep it fresh and to keep adding new content. A couple of other things you will notice straight away... • We have created a new board on the forum called "Scale
  17. Can anyone provide photographs of the C-29A in their early camouflaged scheme? I have some from the later FAA days in the "airliner" scheme, but nothing earlier. Many thanks, Chris
  18. Perhaps the point being made here is that for nearly £100 (i.e. the price of a comparable Tamiya kit) one would NOT expect these errors! If the canopy and wheels are unusable and the rear end is wrong, you've not got much chance of fixing it unless someone comes up with resin replacements...
  19. Thanks guys - I now think I see the light... I was thinking that Combat Lancer and Harvest Reaper were one and the same thing...
  20. Paging Mrvark, to the courtesy phone please....
  21. Can anyone help out here... I am building a batch of F-111A's (1/72nd scale) and one will be a Combat Lancer airframe. All of the resources I have seen quote the original 6 aircraft used as:- 66-0016 66-0017 (written off) 66-0018 66-0019 66-0021 66-0022 (written off) And the 2 replacement aircraft as:- 66-0024 (written off) 66-0025 However... In the AirDOC F-111 book, there is a clear photograph of 66-0020 with the Combat Lancer flash! Some advice would be really helpful as I'm now somewhat confused!! Chris
  22. Ooohhhh - 20th SOS eh... There goes next month's pay!
  23. If you want one, there are often some floating around on eBay for a LOT less - I picked mine up for about $10!
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