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About BK-117

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    Rivet Counter
  • Birthday 05/16/1979

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  1. Got the open exhauts some weeks ago from Lone Star Models, before he closed his onlineshop again. I already did one conversion (USCG Jayhawk) by using the open ones from the Taiwan Hawk set. But now one of my further proejcts is, to build one of the new S-70i Firehawk birds (SDFD or CAL Fire). Thanks
  2. Looked on the Lone Star site, but could not find it 😌. Michael
  3. Hello guys ! For a civilian Sikorsky S-70 Project i am searching for the Cobra Company open exhaust set in 1/35. Hope someone can help me. Greetings from Austria Michael
  4. Hello ! I am searching for the Attack Squadron kit of the Kman K-Max 72015 or 72118. Has anybody one for sale ? International shipping to Europe. Greetings Michael
  5. Great work so far ! But you have to correct the tail rotor, as you glued it in place, it turns in the wrong direction. This is an error, that Revell made with this kit ! Greetings from Austria
  6. Revell Germany will release two new kits in 2016. First the UH-72A in 5/2016 and the H145M in 12/2016 http://www.plastik-modellbau.org/blog/revell-neuheiten-2016/2016/#more-58198 Greetings Michael
  7. Hello ! Now two other photos: And now the photos where i marked the changings, that i made: 1. added the sensor on the main rotor (completely missing in the kit) 2. corrected the frame of the window, in the kit the clear part begins under the frame of the copilots door 3. scratched the sensors on the nose (left and right, completely missing in the kit) 4. changed the tires (had some left of an Jayhawk 1/48 kit) 5. added bolts made of superglue with an toothpick to this heat shields 9. corrected the copilotsdoor, with cutting out a part and addding a clear part 6. scratched s
  8. Hello guys ! Now most of the Major mistakes of the kit have been discussed. Myself, i could complete this kit some days ago ! Some things i had to scratchbuild, wheels were taken from an Jayhawk in 1/48. On my Dolphin there have to be placed the decals, here im am waiting for some other decals, that include more options, like the Kodiak bird, etc.. After placing the decals, i would build the door handles. But now a few photos: Hope you like it so far, Greetings from Austria, Michael
  9. As i am currently building the new Trumper Dolphin kit, i found some more mistakes : - left front door, no clear part for the under side of the door - speed sensor on the left and right side of the nose missing - sensor on the main rotor hub is missing completely - left sliding door, wrong shape of the clear part - door handles completely missing - right sliding door, fixed provisions on the door for the sliding mechanism completely missing - wrong shape of the wheels - tail light not included Nothing, that you cannot fix with scratching, but for am completely new kit very disappoint
  10. Got my USCG HH-65 Dolphin in the last days. Today i looked over the sprues and i found one big mistake. The Co-pilot´s door part is wrong. There is no clear part for the window on the underside of the door. Hope you guys understand what i mean. Greeting s Michael
  11. As promised some photos of my two EC-145T2 scale 1/32: Photo of the scratched tail (2 tails of the old EC-135 kit and a lot of putty): Completed model of DRF Luftrettung: And the East Anglian Air Ambulance EC-145T2 still in Progress: Greetings Michael
  12. For the BK-117 kit you can take both of the Medicopter Revell kits, but the 1/32 is actually not in production. Only the inlet barrier filter system has to be scratched and some parts of the medical interior, i think.
  13. Hello guys ! I have already done two conversions. First the EC-145 T2 of DRF Luftrettung and the newest helicopter for East Anglian Air Ambulance. For both conversions i took some old EC-135 parts, because you have to change the length, the diameter of the fenestron and the housing of the fenestron. Some Pictures will follow tomorrow. Greetings Michael
  14. ...and the EC-135 is ready ! Hope you like it. Greetings from Austria Michael
  15. My EC-135 Project is nearly finished. There are only missing some anntenas and the main rotor. Hope you like it Greetings Michael
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