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About rpeck

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    Step away from the computer!

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  • Location
    New Mexico
  • Interests
    US Fighter Groups in WW2

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  1. The 346th FS late winter /early spring was a busy time with losses and damaged P-47D's. Here is a video of one after returning home with damaged wings. There is 5 more videos on you tube just do a search. There is no number 3 . Rick
  2. The 350th FG had a couple 2-seat Hurricane's for hacks. I just finished a 1/72 Revel Hurricane in those markings seen in the decal sheet for a friend. I used two vac canopies as seen in the drawings. The decal maker did a very good job I think on the drawings. Rick
  3. Your welcome. The 350th FG had some colorful P-47D's . I know you are working on a 1/48 scale kit but if you ever get interested in doing 1/72 Tamiya kit here is some other 350th FG P-47D's decals from DKDecals.
  4. Got the photo posted. Not the best but had to make it a smaller file. Hope you post photo's when your done. Rick
  5. Well photo was to large but go here : https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=2212644018761839&set=a.2212647288761512&type=3&theater This is my friends Facebook page. His father flew in the 347th FS. Rick
  6. Hi Brett, The Squadron book on the P-47D in the MTO and ETO has a photo of this plane from the left side. You found out the detail about being a Brazilian P-47D at first then going to Lt. Knight . Goggle Brazilian P-47D and you will find the OD/N. Grey spray lines unless you did already. To me looks like both wings are natural metal or the sun shines off the OD/N. grey better than I think. Rick
  7. I would think natural metal would reflect surrounding colors. Not like a mirror since it is not polished. So blue skies blue reflection. To me it looks like the non painted areas have a blueish tint to it.Reflection from the sky? Oh well these P-51's colors will be discus for years to come. Rick
  8. Here is mine all in 1/72: 1- Tamiya P-51B 2- Eduard Nieuport 11 3- Hasegawa P-40 B/C 4- Hasegawa P-39 series 5- Eduard Albatros C III
  9. Sorry this is the best I can do and the tail is not in the photo but the other two P-51D's that I cropped off do not have the dorsal fin. The photo is in 'To War with the Yoxford Boys' printed by Eagle Edition. Rick
  10. That didn't work. Well I scanned lowest setting and it is still to large. PM me your email and I will send it that way. Rick
  11. I think in one of the books I have there is a photo. I will take a look today and see. Off the top of my head I don't think it did and what Sean said I agree with him. I do remember the 'O' in the codes had some thing different. I will get back to you. Rick
  12. Sorry no. 'Tarheel Hal' was a P-47D-30-RA which is a latter model P-47. They didn't get to combat not until 1945 maybe December 1944. By then no invasion stripes on the wings or fuselage were painted on new aircraft. Rick By that time all stripes were gone on the wing47D-30-RA
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