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About breadneck

  • Rank
    Building a better tomorrow
  • Birthday 10/01/1979

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  1. Ok, get me up to speed here folks. Has Johnsons discontinued this product?
  2. I would cherrypick the nicest models and considered scrapping the rest. This is usually what happens with the real thing in real life as well so as we all know, nothing lasts forever. One of my future projects include pouring clear resin over some of my best models to turn it into a solid block of resin which no harm can come to, lol.
  3. Thanks for posting, always wanted to see videos like these because they are far and few in between.
  4. Here`s what the going rate is for such a lot. BUMP ! https://www.ebay.com/itm/395519705807?itmmeta=01J35NSMPWYA1MG6K6ABD4F0NA&hash=item5c16cfc2cf:g:gjYAAOSwHJtmi0Mv&itmprp=enc%3AAQAJAAAAwEyCDSR9605TKYqQZZe1yI5fFXrz0IeGAy6vSuWjYvrhcnznhilFab5u%2BzZm62lOZisYdkccu%2BKl5ojtHKekseODbLjbbBuPhEprEoJyIRe6y5Yy3EjXA302gp4ubde1pzvhHl7GnP8uA19%2B7NaEbmM9NhziUL6iBG%2FW8mf7mMzibCVDO34IFovp99IM9PtYYi%2BlmhGfOerQ0Ym2ZUNtqo5VV9zCzJdNYdIGRQNWwPoMkNLfyYOX4IYJdxczyu%2FSRQ%3D%3D|tkp%3ABk9SR8jL5rWZZA
  5. Anyone know exactly when allied aircraft started using D day stripes? Was it months before june 6th -44 or on june 6th itself? Just something i always wondered about..
  6. Anyone else who has bought anything from Ukraine and found their shipment to be (import) tax exempt? Just got a shipment from ModelsUA and to my surprise there was no fees to pay. Of course i am in Norway so this may vary from place to place.
  7. While i`m not paying for any such tv services, i have seen some YT clips and will certainly consider grabbing the series when it hits the pancake format.
  8. Hello people ! Just feel have to share this here on arc. I`ve been on the hunt for a high quality masking foil for working on my automobile for quite some time, but frankly i had no idea where to turn or what to get. Most masking stuff we modelers use come on a roll of tape i recon. I had a stroke of luck when i took a chance and came across this stuff. It`s called GEKKOFIX and is made in Enschede in the Netherlands by Venilia Decor B.V. It`s says "Self Adhesive Foil" on the roll, come in rolls of 2M with varying widths. I have the matte white version by chance. This foil is design
  9. This one looks very interesting.. https://www.ebay.com/itm/284148278673?hash=item42288ea591:g:~9oAAOSw3Ate0uzh
  10. There are other MUCH better tools for that. Those things in your link are just cheap low quality stuff made to sell for a quick buck. I was very let down when i received mine. Also, this is a typical "generic" item branded by many different manufacturers who, let`s face it are less concerned about the quality and more about the income. When you work on your models, of course you want your tools to be either perfectly round or perfectly flat, not "somewhere" in the middle, still not known by man. There is something called "jewellers pearl reamer" and those are fantastic for small jo
  11. Hello gang, I need some recommendations for very low rpm electric hobby tools with Dremel style chucks. My beloved but old Dremel model 298 has a range from 5000-33000 rpm. but the low end 5K is way too high to work on plastics without endangering meltdown for example when using sanding wheels inside cowlings to remove plastic. I`ve been out of touch with these types of electric tools for a long time so i don`t really know what is available these days. Just leaned back and enjoyed my model 298 which has not failed me yet even though it`s very old now. Has anyone tried
  12. Those are no good. They have two "sides" that don`t seem to line up with each other making for a nasty ridge running all along the tool. You can assimilate it to flash on a plastic kit. Also, they are not 100% round which is a crying shame. Just like with some of the Evergreen rods you would think they were 100% cylindrical, but they are not 😞
  13. Here`s but a mere few suggestions...indeed a drawing would be helpful. https://www.I am a spammer, please report this post..com/item/1005005071962139.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.main.27.1b6e67fduxAolI&algo_pvid=c2ee988e-ec6c-4082-b639-9799ca90ca77&algo_exp_id=c2ee988e-ec6c-4082-b639-9799ca90ca77-13&pdp_npi=3%40dis!NOK!148.77!97.53!!!!!%40211be72e16884020997268031d0753!12000031528379453!sea!NO!2614069766&curPageLogUid=5vgr4MC5PpZR https://www.I am a spammer, please report this post..com/item/1005004701840185.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.main.95.1b6e67fduxAol
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