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I find that KC-10 tanker very interesting and I was trying to find a model of this plane but the only refference I found is Hasegawa´s 1/200 one.Is this the only kit?,does exist any conversion set to convert a civilian DC-10 into a tanker??


Thank you for your time.



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Revell once released a KC-10 based on their DC-10 jetliners series in 1/144th scale.

Being also a jetlines modeler I recall that it was a better start to build a DC-10-30 than their DC-10-30 jetliner boxing. I don't know if it's still in production though.



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Revell once released a KC-10 based on their DC-10 jetliners series in 1/144th scale.

Being also a jetlines modeler I recall that it was a better start to build a DC-10-30 than their DC-10-30 jetliner boxing. I don't know if it's still in production though.



Revell kit is not in production any longer. It can be found on eBay from time to time.

The Hasegawa kit actually is out of production also as far as I know.

I seem to remember hearing about a resin conversion in 1/144 scale, but the manufacturer escapes me at the moment, if it even got produced.

Aside from the Hase and Revell kits, I believe there is a 1/72 vac-form out there also.

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There's the Aircraft In Miniature vac-form DC-10 - they also did a white metal conversion to the KC-10. Unfortunately I believe AIM are no longer producing kits, but you may find the odd one knocking around...

mig23 on the forum is building one - drop him a PM!

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The Revell 1/144 KC-10 is a mish-mash of various kinds of DC-10s. While it's basically fairly accurate (ie: it's generally DC-10 shaped), it lacks much in detail and accuracy thereof. The DC-10 series went through a huge amount of aerodynamic tweaking to try to tweak the last percent of range out of it, and the Revell kit doesn't come close to covering all of the mods that the KC-10 had. There are four different types of wing/body fairings, and the kit's doesn't represent the one on the KC-10 (and it's not easy to fix). Still, it does look a lot like a KC-10 when you get it built, as long as you're not terribly picky about precise detail.

The Hasegawa 1/200 kit is excellent, and has all of the appropriate PEP (Performance Enhancement Package) mods. The boom is a little on the skinny side, but it's not terrible. The kit is very hard to find at the moment.


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There's the Aircraft In Miniature vac-form DC-10 - they also did a white metal conversion to the KC-10. Unfortunately I believe AIM are no longer producing kits, but you may find the odd one knocking around...

mig23 on the forum is building one - drop him a PM!

AIM is still making kits, LINKY. They're slowly ramping up again and only offering a limited number of models. They have released the 747 again. As I recall all AIM kits (when available) will be released through Hannants.

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The Hasegawa 1/200 kit is excellent, and has all of the appropriate PEP (Performance Enhancement Package) mods. The boom is a little on the skinny side, but it's not terrible. The kit is very hard to find at the moment.

Hasegawa's "KDC-10 Royal Netherlands Air Force" boxing is still rather easy to find - here in the Netherlands, at least.



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I've got one of the AiM 1/72 DC-10's plus a couple of the KC-10 conversions (picked one up only last week) The conversion comes with a pile of white metal bits and decals.

I've written this before but Neil Gaunt works for Airbus on the A380, you can imagine there isn't much free time for these guys at the moment.

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Thank you very much to all for your answers,they´re really helpful!!! :o As the conversion from a civilian kit to a tankers seems to be really difficult,my choices now are between Hasegawa´s US tanker and the Netherland´s KDC-10 (I preffer the Us one,can be nicely weathered).But it´s gonna be a future project because I´ve ordered a nice and big L-1011 at 1/144 from Delta airlines,the order is pending but I really want to start something like that.

So thanks all again for your help!!! :)


I.Martin :)

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