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I don't really consider myself a "beer snob" but I have to agree on Heineken. I never understood what anyone saw in it. Here in the US, I have to assume that people drink it because it's from Europe, therefore it just HAS to be good.

Perhaps it's because the mainstream US beers are even worse. ;)



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Ive said it before and ill say it again

I like my bear cold and my Women HOT !!

As for brand i love Carib and Stag (made in Trinidad & Tobago) and Red Stripe(Jamaica)

Now that im stuck in canada i drink mostly Corona and Budweiser.

But my real poison is Rum(White) & Coke



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Neo you should try some of the Unibroue beers, like Maudite or Fin du Monde, if you haven't already.

I'd drink Newcastle if I had a fridge made by Lucas, but...

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Its foul.

But then I'm not a lager drinker at all. Hence this t-shirt


Hmm, there's lager and lager.

I was on a trip round the very nice Battledown Brewery in Cheltenham last year and the owner asked a couple of us what we thought of lager. The other guy evidently thought this was an invitation to cheap insult, and put the boot in with length and relish.

Me, I'm quite partial to a chilled Stella Artois on a hot day (and indeed one with a Diamond White and a Blue Curacao mixed in at Christmas :)) so kept it shut. Owner listened patiently to the rant and then said, "I suppose you won't want to try out my new Steam Lager then" Was very nice,had body, bit of a nice change to the usual 6X, Black Sheep and rare - when it can be got -

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Neo you should try some of the Unibroue beers, like Maudite or Fin du Monde, if you haven't already.

Ive had them but i dont like that kind of beer

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This is way easy:



Späten Optimator & Oktoberfest

Chimay (blue label)

And last, but not least, Shiner Bock! (to include Shiner black)

There's a local beer served at the Meers burger restaurant that is awesome and highly intoxicating! I can't remember what it's called - but I'll post a pic when I can get home (I took a pic of it :D ) it's in Meers, OK just north of Ft. Sill/Lawton. And if anyone wants an incredible burger, the Seismic meersburger is out of this world; their cobblers and homemade ice cream are great too! :thumbsup:

Basically, if it's not Belgian, German, Or Irish, I don't drink it - only exception is Shiner, but it's made like German beers, so it's good. American beer is just plain lousy - i only drink it out of courtesy so as not to insult.

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Does anyone here make their own? Not just kits, but their own extracts from mash? It's a tremendous amount of fun creating something. Kinda' like making a model.

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