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Gunze paint Identifiation help

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I recently received an order from a HK hobby shop of some Mr. Hobby paint

so the bottles say "Mr. color" My understanding has always been "Mr color" is lacquer bassed and "Aqueous hobby color" was acrylic

two of the bottles I received are on the left. they both have part numbers staring with "C" like "C317" The bottle on the right is one I already had, which has an english label that clearly says "solvent based paint". The labels on the bottles I just got are all in Japanese, which I can not read. I was also under the impresstion (which may be mistaken) that the cap is how you can discern between the two lines of paint, the larger cap indicating the solvent based paint.

Can any one help Identify what flavor of paint these are? I am not upset with the vendor I got them from, I just need to know how to use them. I tried the sniff test with a bottle of "aqueous hobby color" I still have, and the solvent based paint, but I could not distinguish between them.

sorry about the picture, it looked in focus until I posted it. If you need a better picture, I can try to get a better one.



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If you can get a clearer image, that would help me. I'm not seeing any of the Kanji for "water" on the other two bottles, and my Google searching seems to indicate the wedge-top bottles may have been phased out for the more conventional style cap.

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The other series has the title "Aqueous Hobby Color" printed on the label, and the color numbers start with "H" and Mr. Color with "C".

How to handle? Just same, take it for airbrush. But take care of the thinners! For Mr.Color use "Mr. Color Thinner" (blue label), the producer is "Mr. Hobby" - don't get confused!

AFAIK you can take that thinner also for the Aqueous hobby colors. But I recommend for the aqueous hobby colors the "Mr. Color leveling thinner" (yellow label), producer is also - ah guess who? - yes, "Mr. Hobby" .

Uhh, I hope I could help!

(In my early Gunze days I diluted Aquoeus hobby colors with IPA - that worked well! And I tried that with Mr.Color paints - I got a mess! Means: IPA does not work for Mr.Color! So for me it was evident: the chemistry must be different and requires different thinners! ok?)

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I had a chemist explain they actually all are acrylics but we recognize them as laquers in North America. His was the big scientific answer.

As mentioned, use Mr Color Leveling thinners on the smelly ones. You can also use it in the aqueous paints but I use their thinners specific to that product as well.

Once you use that paint you will never go back to your old paint.

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Mr.COLOR -> solvent-based acrylics

Mr.HOBBY COLOR (ex Mr.AQUEOUS HOBBY COLOR) -> water-soluble acrylics

I'm quite sure you'll love them after some experimenting.


Mr.COLOR THINNER thins pretty much everything within the Gunze range of products, even the water-soluble Mr.HOBBY COLOR acrylics.


Mr.COLOR LEVELING THINNER, Mr.COLOR THINNER + retarder, to obtain a smoother and more even finish. The solvent-based Mr.COLOR acrylics tend to dry rather quickly.

Mr HOBBY COLOR THINNER, only suitable for the water-soluble Mr.HOBBY COLOR acrylics:




Edited by Airfixer
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