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Lucas C.

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About Lucas C.

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    Tenax Sniffer (Open a window!)

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    McLean, VA

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  1. Thanks, @Dutch! Definitely interested. I'll send you a PM with my info.
  2. Thanks, @fasteagle12, but the shipping on that one is nuts ($15) and the total would come out to more than what I paid for the kit. I'm hoping someone has a leftover canopy somewhere.
  3. I badly cracked the canopy on my 1/72 HobbyBoss F-14A and need a replacement. Since the build is open cockpit, pretty much any 1/72 F-14 canopy should do. I'm in the the US (Virginia), in case that matters. Happy to buy or trade. Thanks for helping me recover from this blunder!
  4. Thanks for the link, @crackerjazz! I am planning an open-canopy build, so this definitely helps! Shipping to the US is nuts for that eBay listing, but I'll see if I can find the canopy locally for a reasonable price.
  5. I’m just looking to vent (mostly) and get any ideas on what to do. I was nearing the end of a 1/72 HobbyBoss F-14A when I went to take the masking off the canopy and… proceeded to crack the damn thing down the middle. It’s a nice, 1.5 inch crack that goes from the front and halfway into the RIO’s portion of the canopy. Just my luck, the crack isn’t straight, but instead curves to the side toward the end, making it very visible on the starboard side. All the other problems and mistakes with the build I’ve been able to fix. This one seems like it’s game over. 🤬 I want to finish t
  6. Thanks, Bill, that's very useful information! I'll start document the cost of the kits and aftermarket items that I used. I'll have to talk to the moving company about their policy on stuff like this, but I do think they'll balk at paying anything more than that.
  7. I recently moved and (surprise) discovered that the movers irreparably damaged several of my built models. The movers have given me forms to file a claim with them. How do I value my built models, and where can I find documentary evidence to back up those valuations? Thanks for any help you can give!
  8. I used to spray all types several years ago, but now I'm only spraying acrylics (Vallejo, AK, Ammo, and, every now and then, Tamiya). Maybe my gloss coats are too thick? I tend to have to put down multiple coats to get a good gloss and avoid pebbling.
  9. I don't use very much thinner with it, but I don't measure it out precisely, either. Sometimes I spray it near (for small parts). Afterward I simply leave the model in the spray booth or off to the side for a while (sometimes partially covered with tupperware to minimize dust on the finish). I only have one bottle of the gloss coat, so I guess it could be a bad one.
  10. I've used Vallejo's clear gloss for a few models and have noticed that I can still leave fingerprints in the finish even after a week of letting it dry. It's not particularly cold, warm, dry, or humid where I airbrush (70 degrees 50% humidity on average), and I've only thinned it with Vallejo's own airbrush thinner when spraying it. I remember having a similar problem years ago with a different brand of clear coat (Maybe MM Acryl? Maybe Tamiya X-22?). Another thing I've noticed when applying weathering and decals is that the gloss coat doesn't feel tacky when I first begin handling the mod
  11. I think you'd be better off buying Tamiya's own retarder.
  12. I think this thread has underscored an enduring problem with trying to define "the best" kit of any given subject. What is "the best?" Is it the one that is most accurate shape-wise? The one with the most detail? The one with the most accurate detail? The one that is easiest to build? Everyone has a slightly different view of what "the best" means, but most folks never explicitly state what their criteria are, so we end up arguing round and round on some kits. No one kit is going to score perfectly on all criteria (or even come close, in many cases), so I suggest that, for this exercise
  13. I have one of these, but they appear to be OOP. Hobbyzone makes similar hanging racks that should work equally well.
  14. I generally spray them straight from the bottle for just that reason. They do seem to be thinner than other similar paints like Vallejo Model Air.
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