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MIG Mikkel

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About MIG Mikkel

  • Rank
    Step away from the computer!
  • Birthday 05/19/1995

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  • Location
    Denmark Barrit station

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  1. Hello! I'm looking for a Paragon F-5G lightning nose in 1/48. And decals for latin American aircrafts also in 1/48. . Aztec, FCM, lf models, hobbycraft. Subjects like: Salvadoran Corsair, Mustang. Dominican Vampire, Mustang. Bolivian Mustang Honduran corsairs And so on, Everything is useable, it does not have to be complete partial is also very useable! Must ship to Denmark, PayPal ready! Best Regards Mikkel
  2. Latin American ones. Brazil, Chile and Uruguay :)
  3. whatta ya expect, it's from Grecce :P
  4. Kickass video!!! That loop + roll though.... God I'd give my right kidney to fly in that thing!
  5. Hey guys!!!! Thanks for the nice words! and it was a real day to remember!!! I think I passed out because I "forgot" to hold my breath when we entered the loop. The strange thing was that the Fouga is pressuerized cabin and when I was trying to breath it felt like running in head wind (does it make sense my writing??) or that the air was blown into face and you really had to suck the O2 in.... damn that didn't came out right :P anyhow still the must awesome thing I've tried so far! The view in the Fouga is really great actually: A link to some of me picies, I like taking pics. If you
  6. Mine is still in the super awesome custom box ya made when you send it :D waiting for a decent kit!
  7. Luckly I got one from ya :D Really nice stuff them Ricardo Dacoba resin conversions!
  8. Thanks Berkut, it was a niceeeeeeee ride :D hehehe :D Well Berkut I was out for about 7-9 seconds.... That was not fun at all :D When I woke up it was like having the flu and the worst hung over in your life time + you are upside down so you brain goes FUUUUUUUUUUUU....... like you are sitting but if you look up you see the ground.... not good for the brain I tell ya :D
  9. When the new AMK kit is aviable then I'm going to build one :D
  10. With pics :D Just before i passed out, we where going op in a loop, and I forgot to push and hold my breath....
  11. Hey agian, I'm now back from my flight... I'm sorting out the video and pictures :) But it did not go very well, it's my second time in the air, ever, first time was in a passegner jet soooo I kinda passed out in the loop :( and got a bit airsick
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