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About 72scaler

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    Canopy Polisher

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  1. I would love to see a RF-4E as well 🤞
  2. That is absolutely stunning work! Makes me want to build a P-47 on my own!
  3. Wow your new stuff looks amazing. I already have a few of your F-15 items in 1/48. Is it planed to downscale the fuel tanks, wheelbays and upgrade set for the F-15C? Would be awesome!
  4. An RF-4E would be very welcome! To make one of the colorful Japanese or Greek recce Phantoms.
  5. Hi Armando, there is no need to. The reconstruction of the front landing gear is almost completed and will no longer delay the progress of this project. I hope I can show you the result soon, some improvements could be achieved. Best regards Rob
  6. Good evening folks Thank you for the encouragement. I worked on the underside of the wings and therefore on the drop tanks. The first picture shows the Heller pylon (above) and the Academy one (below). As you can see the Heller pylon has a kink on the travelling edge, which is correct. Further more the Academy pylon is missing kind of a step at the back. I tried to apply those details to the Academy pylons. The Droptanks needed some work too, namely the fins are not acurate and the tanks ar too long by approximately three mm. I cut them short and ad
  7. Hello friends I'm back with another update on my never ending Etendard story. I worked on the wings recently. The wings of the Academy kit are to small and are not arrowed enough. Therefore I aded some evergreen plastic sheet to the front part of the wing root (as shown in the third picture). The wings are still not big enough but almost as arrowed as they should be. As usual almost all the panel lines at the wrong place which means rescribing a lot. Especially the flaps were not long enough, therefore I hade to shift the crinkle on the back edge of the wing furder to the wingtip (
  8. Excellent built on a very interesting subject! Looks defenetly bigger then 1/72!
  9. Hi friends, I'm still working on the SEM. Had to revise the front landinggear! I hop I can give you an update soon. I'm not happy with the slow progress at all, sorry for that. :wacko:/> @Armando, unfortunatly there is no centerline fuel tank in 1/72 as you said and I will not scratchbilt one. I will either leave the centerline hardpoint empty or I will hang a designationpot on there. Best regards Rob
  10. Dear Friends thank you all very much for those kind words! @ Laz, maybe I have to remove a little bit of the wheelbay-construction at the back close to the fuselage but even if necessary it's not a big deal. @ Polo, thank you very much for your offer to support my built with helpful detail pictures. The SEM is not an aircraft which is exposed like the Hornet or the Eagle. Therefore your pictures can realy make a difference. Next on the to do list are the speedbrakes, I really have to finish them now. The tailhook need some worke too. In general, I want to finish the underside fuselage and a
  11. Hello Guys I'm here today with a small update. I did some work on both of the fuselage parts of the aircraft. On the upper half I reworked the vents. First I cut out a part of the humpback. Afterwards the gap was filled with the part on the last picture of the last update, with a 0.25 mm Evergreene sheet on top of it. The slots were previously milled with a 0.2 mm mill. Additionally the SEM gets its windscreen. On the underside of the fuselage I scratchbuilt the rear wheel bays, rescribed some panellines and mill-cut a rectangular bay for the tailhook. best regards Rob
  12. Hi Laz, nice to hear from you. Unfortunately I was very busy recently and was not able to continue the SEM project for almost half a year. In the meantime I also moved my workbench to a new place. Last month however I was able to make some progress. Hopefully I can show it to you at the end of the weekend. I really have to try to finish this one at the end of summer! regards Rob
  13. Bravo! Absolutely outstanding work! Thanks for sharing!
  14. Aaawww-some! Thanks a lot for those pics Polo! I Can't wait to get back to work! Hi Damian, I'm glad you like my long term Super Etendard project. In fact the link you suggested had been an indispensable source of information and will continue to be so. But Thank you anyway, I really appreciate hints like that!
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