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About Procopius

  • Rank
    Live slow, die whenever
  • Birthday 03/15/1983

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Highwood, IL
  • Interests
    The RAF, fleet air Arm, and Commonwealth air forces, 1938-present, in 1/72. British what-if subjects and the many hateful foes of Great Britain are side interests.

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  1. I certainly have, since I'll knock them off anyway in the course of the build.
  2. If anyone is looking to make some decals in 1/72, I was at Phancon 2016 and would be happy to send them my photos of the QF-4 ramp. I got pretty close:
  3. Hi there everyone, I'm about to start work on the High Planes Mirage IIIO kit, and I was hoping someone, preferably someone in the USA, had decals for a silver Mirage based in Malaysia in the 1960s, since I was hoping to do kind of a theme build to go with my RAF 74 Squadron Lightning F6. Does anyone have a set of decals that would answer, along with a MB Mk4 seat? I'm happy to swap my High Planes 2 OCU Mirage III decal set, or money via paypal for them. Let me know, and thanks for looking!
  4. I may have slightly overreached myself this month in my purchasing. As a result, I've had to reassess my stash, and there's just some things I likely won't be building, including a lot of my US Vietnam stuff and a few WWII heavy bombers. The prices below don't include shipping; I ship from 60040 in Illinois and my preference is US Priority Mail, but I'm willing to go with slower/cheaper options if you don't need the speed and security of USPS Priority. I very much prefer Paypal for payment. I don't really have any trade wants for these, EXCEPT correction sets for the Airfix Vulcan or Valian
  5. Same logic behind 8 buns in a package, but ten hot dogs, I daresay.
  6. I live near a NAPA store, and I was wondering today if any of you knew if their wheel weights were small enough to be used as noseweight for 1/72 planes. Normally I'd just walk over, but it's really cold outside, and this is what the internet has done to us.
  7. More bad news for the F-35 program.
  8. Sorry to ask some stupid questions, but I find the F-16's profusion of variants a little confusing. This kit is an F-16CJ Block 50, correct? And if I wanted to build a Polish F-16, I'd want an F-16CJ block 52, right?
  9. Also posted here: http://www.network54.com/Forum/409167/mess...2+kits+for+sale and on 72nd Aircraft. Hi all, some recent trips to the ER with my wife have finally borne bitter fruit in the form of a bill for all the things our (actually pretty good) insurance DIDN'T cover. In the spirit of every little bit helping, I'm reducing my stash a little to help cover the resultant shortfall. All prices include shipping anywhere in the Continental USA; anywhere else, we can work something out. I take paypal. Normally I like a good trade, but given the circumstances, I'd have to pass on trading this
  10. I blow up drawings to 1/72 scale in photoshop, print them out, and cut out the camo patterns to use as paper masks.
  11. The British found this system to be more expensive than it was worth with the Swift and Hunter.
  12. Interesting. One would think that given the spectacular nature of the fight, that the incident would have been well-documented on the Russian side as well. That's kind of disappointing that, IMO, the evidence seems to incline towards the kill not happening, or not happening as Risner remembered it, sort of like that RN Sea Fury vs. MiG-15 claim. I wonder if his gun camera footage is still extant?
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