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About Boxster

  • Rank
    Tenax Sniffer (Open a window!)

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  1. Nice built and paintings and dio! Well done! B
  2. Painting doesn't look too bad, tbh! B
  3. That is just amazing built and paintings/weatherings. I really like it! Great job!!! B
  4. From you, its another masterpiece, sir! Very nicely painted!!! B
  5. Whoa, man!!! This is going to be awesome! B
  6. KOTF site! I did registered at SWM but after reading about that site's owner. I no longer participate there. KOTF, its a pain for me to register. Tried so many times to register but the code is driving me up the wall. Again, I can see the code clearly and typed in all the codes, as seen, correctly. I dunno if this is just me or its happening to others too? B EDITE: Erm..., no, no confirmation email too!
  7. I tried registering a few time but each time the confirmation code came up incorrect, even tho I can see the codes clearly and typed in the correct codes. What's up with that? B
  8. I am still in awe and jumping with excitment! Yes, I never thought I see such a news in this lifetime. In fact, almost gave up on such news of new SW movies. B
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