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About bartkoh

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    Canopy Polisher

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  1. https://www.1999.co.jp/eng/11030655 Due for release in Jan 2024, but I'm more keen on the A-6E(TRAM) version
  2. Came across Le Quack on FB, and promptly ordered a couple of 1/72 AARGM-ERs. Shapewise, these are also very similar to the SIAW currently in development.
  3. I feel your pain guys...one suggestion is to use google translate...but language is definitely a barrier
  4. https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a230r. Give the browser and few more seconds, mine shows over 9000 pieces after displaying 2...i had no problem selecting 10 or more pieces
  5. Hi John, you'll need to register your account at www.ezbuy.com. Once that is done, paste the URL of the specific item you wish to buy from www.taobao.com at www.ezbuy.com You can consolidate orders from multiple vendors, and have them shipped once they've arrived at the ezbuy.com warehouse to save on freight costs.
  6. hi John, try using this agent called ezbuy.com. You can stick the URL onto their website, and they'll buy and ship on your behalf.
  7. On www.taobao.com, this vendor has over 9000 pieces available https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a230r.
  8. I was toying with the idea of modifying the LOROP pod included in the 1/72 Hasegawa RF-4E combo
  9. The EL/M-8222 ECM pod is also fitted mostly on the left front-mounting point of the CFT
  10. Hi All, Does anyone know if the Ophir LOROP pod exists in 1/72 scale?
  11. Thanks for the update! Looking forward to more new items from Modelcollect
  12. Is there any chance of a current HSAB & the pylon for the Sniper pod? I realized the current kit I bought doesn't include those
  13. I highly recommend the Su-30MKM conversion set from Naz Model Art https://www.facebook.com/nmascalemodelszone
  14. Luckymodel.com has updated sprue shots http://www.luckymodel.com/scale.aspx?item_no=MC-UA72202
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