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About daywalker

  • Rank
    Step away from the computer!
  • Birthday 10/30/1969

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  • Location
    South Central Wisconsin

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  1. NICE!!! Awesome Scooter and an amazing paint job.
  2. Good idea Chuck, I'd buy a copy of that one!
  3. YES! I too would like to see this one in 32nd as well as 48th.
  4. Thank you for that information Men, I do appreciate the help and the inks! I have been snooping around looking for information, and what you have provided is very helpful! Will contact both of those sources and see what I can dig up. Thanks again! Frank
  5. I am gathering materials for a build for a USN veteran who flew RF-8G Photo Crusaders after his tour flying Skyhawks over Vietnam. I do not know a lot about the Crusader, but IIRC there was a 1/48 resin conversion set for recon Crusaders available years ago. I have not having any luck sourcing one, is there anyone here who has one they would part with for a reasonable sum? Happy to buy outright or trade for one. TIA!
  6. Yep, I'm in! Love the Scooter. Although, not as much as Rex apparently does LOL.
  7. Loved this scheme the first time I saw it, nicely done!
  8. Very impressive, love the base too. Beautiful model there!
  9. I'll look tonight when I get home from work and email you.
  10. I use Mr. Levelling Thinner by Gunze- strips everything including clears, paint, and decals but will not harm the plastic. I typically use a rag or cotton buds with it. You can paint it on with a brush, and wipe off after a few seconds too.
  11. Yes indeed, had a great experience with him as well. A+
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