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Before you get too far door "crowbars" were not painted red during war (this is a modern restoration thing) As I understand they were a black/metallic colour like tools usually are and often were not fitted but as it is a molded on detail and is there it should be repainted...



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Before you get too far door "crowbars" were not painted red during war (this is a modern restoration thing) As I understand they were a black/metallic colour like tools usually are and often were not fitted but as it is a molded on detail and is there it should be repainted...



Thanks for the heads up . I wasn't really happy with the red but as this is a post war aircraft i thought it would be ok. Will be be repainted Gun Metal

Edited by Grandboof
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The 1/72 AZ kit I'm looking at doing tells you to paint it red too so it is a common mistake but I hoped you could catch it before you buttoned up the fuselage so good news..



Edited by RCAFFAN
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Great progress.

Personally, I like the red crowbars - I must've done a dozen Spits with them.

I blame IL-2, the best combat flight sim series of all time. I spent so many hours in a virtual Spitfire that they had modeled with a red crowbar that NOT having a red one just doesn't seem right.

Here's their (inaccurate) but amazing cockpit:


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Good work, Martin. Are you going to freehand the camo or are you going to mask?


Thanks .Masked up with blu-tac worms . I have used this technique before and it worked ok. Will post a pic.

Martin H

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OMG. The attack of the mega worms! Everybody run for their lives! :rolleyes:/>


Grétar W. G.

Worms subdued. Cammo finished. Decals started but the decal sheet called for a red spinner but i have further references showing grey. So many coats later the red is slowly fading.

Martin H

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