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CD48206 - 1/48 USAF HH-53/MH-53

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Now that I realized there are too many Navy/Marines CH-53 options to fit on a single sheet, CD48206 will be a 1/48 sheet dedicated to USAF CH-53/HH-53/MH-53.  The previously announced CH-53 sheet (CD48184) will now be a Navy/Marines CH-53/RH-53 sheet.

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23 minutes ago, andyf117 said:

Seeking scheme suggestions, Kursad?


Sure - I think I have a good set of choices I am already working on, but I am always open to suggestions.


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For two colourful examples...


....you most likely have these already - but just in case, @gmat posted detail pics of a 6594th Test Group bird here:

And for an overall ADC Gray MAC bird, 8284 was photographed during its trans-Atlantic transfer flight to the 67th ARRS in the UK (all enlargeable images):




Edited to update image links

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13 minutes ago, KursadA said:

Thanks! That Hickam HH-53C walkaround is particularly great. But is the Systems Command badge green in those photos, or are my eyes deceiving me? 

It does appear green, but certainly shouldn't be - the insignia blue and red of the adjacent star 'n bar look more black and magenta, suggesting it's a simple colour distortion either in the original photos, or the scans...

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Andy, is that Loring AFB, Maine in the third photo posted above? B-52Gs and KC-135As on the flightline and the arched hangar suggest it.


As to the Hickam photos, yes the AFSC badge appears green.  However, if you scroll down and find the couple of photos with the guy in the "adidas" t-shirt and blue jeans talking to one of the crew infront of the starboard sponson, his blue jeans look a little green or greenish as well, suggesting that the negatives were not processed correctly for the proper tone. I doubt they were digital, probably slides.     

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The only slight drawback with 8284 is that it's been done in 1/72 by PrintScale - although I believe they did markings that should be Insignia Blue in black, and Insignia Blue items in a lighter shade...

....and the above-mentioned AFSC badge in green! 🤣


Other photos of ADC Gray HH-53Cs seem as rare as rocking horse droppings - but there is this 33rd ARRS one (68-10357):


The 33rd appears to be the only unit which carried the colour 'Rescue' tail marking on the SEA scheme - and displayed ownership, as on 68-8286:




And on 68-10363 - note too the more pronounced dashed surrounds to the emergency exits:




For a CH-53C, this 601st TASS bird is one of only two that I've found photos of with the serial presented 'TAC Style' - the other's 70-1630:




Unfortunately, I've not identified the crest on the nose - also present on 630.

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It would be nice to identify the crest, even though there is sufficient detail to fudge something if absolutely necessary.

It is most likely a sticker left over from a base visit or something like that, much like the cluster of stickers near the pilot's door handle. Finding a single photo without the sticker would also help.


There is a crown at the top, but it does not look like the typical RAF badge. None of the units associated with the 601st has anything like it.

It is too gaudy to be RAF crest, yet not gaudy enough to be a Portuguese one 🙂 - so we can rule those out. Hopefully one of our resident monarchy subjects will help us out 🙂


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30 minutes ago, andyf117 said:

I don't believe it's a 'Zap' - as mentioned, it also appeared on the nose of 70-1630...

....I think it may be something similar to the crest carried by the 32ndTFS F-15s when based at Soesterberg...


1 hour ago, KursadA said:

It would be nice to identify the crest, even though there is sufficient detail to fudge something if absolutely necessary.

It is most likely a sticker left over from a base visit or something like that, much like the cluster of stickers near the pilot's door handle. Finding a single photo without the sticker would also help.


There is a crown at the top, but it does not look like the typical RAF badge. None of the units associated with the 601st has anything like it.

It is too gaudy to be RAF crest, yet not gaudy enough to be a Portuguese one 🙂 - so we can rule those out. Hopefully one of our resident monarchy subjects will help us out 🙂



The badge on the nose has a crown, and is therefore a "Royal" badge.  Only a few select USAF units were authorized the "crown" on their badge, including the 32nd FIS/TFS/FS in Soesterburg, NL.  The 100th Wing at Mildenhall has it as part of their badge now, but not back in the early to mid 1970s.  Upon closer scrutiny, the badge background is blue with a white cross of St. Andrew, hence Scottish.  There is the RAF eagle across the middle and the outer edge appears to be reddish-brown antlers.  So I would start with the station badge for Lossiemouth, Kinloss or Leuchars or other RAF base in Scotland.  It most likely is a zap, though.  I like the simple black stencil of the three wolf heads on the access panel below the pilot's side window.  Reminds me of the VX-30 Bloodhounds logo. If you have a definite date or location for the photo, you could look up NATO exercises during that time frame for dates and locations as well. All of which is not at my fingertips at the moment.




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I've isolated and tweaked the crest's image, and come to a couple of similar conclusions - whilst it looks like a Queen's crown as used on RAF squadron and station crests, the rest of the design bears no relation to those...

....I did also think possibly a saltire - but can't make any connection between Sembach and Scotland...

....the bird in the crest actually reminds me of the Eagle on the AAFCE Tactical Leadership Programme patch, which I used to see at every Mildenhall Air Fete...


....as for dates, the first pic has June 1990 on it, and the other two are from Mildenhall Air Fete in May 1981 - same zap carried for a year? I'd doubt that. The photo of 70-1630 (which I can't link to) with same crest is also dated June 1980 - it had gone in another dated Sept 1981, along with the 'TAC Style' serial.

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1 hour ago, andyf117 said:

I've isolated and tweaked the crest's image, and come to a couple of similar conclusions - whilst it looks like a Queen's crown as used on RAF squadron and station crests, the rest of the design bears no relation to those...

....I did also think possibly a saltire - but can't make any connection between Sembach and Scotland...

....the bird in the crest actually reminds me of the Eagle on the AAFCE Tactical Leadership Programme patch, which I used to see at every Mildenhall Air Fete...


....as for dates, the first pic has June 1990 on it, and the other two are from Mildenhall Air Fete in May 1981 - same zap carried for a year? I'd doubt that. The photo of 70-1630 (which I can't link to) with same crest is also dated June 1980 - it had gone in another dated Sept 1981, along with the 'TAC Style' serial.

Andy, Your points puzzled me also. Not a standard RAF sqn nor base badge. BTW, did you mean June 1980 for the date of the first photo? If so, the temporary nature also leads me to the Zap conclusion. 

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8 hours ago, Gilles said:

Looks like the Canadian armed forces crest to me !


As Col Kilgore would say "Outstanding, Red Team, outstanding! Get you a case of beer for that one.":clap2:


Updating my previous post with the photos and links to photos - it's a moot point now thanks to Gilles, but I knew that as well as the non-linkable photo of 70-1630 with the same crest, I'd seen another of a CH-53C with 'TAC Style' serial presentation. Found it - and not only does it also carry the TAC badge, it's 630 again! Scanned from World Air Power Journal Vol 4:


And on the same page, another ADC Gray HH-53C, 69-5790 captioned as serving with the 1550th ATTW:


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It would be nice to have a serial number & photo for a Vietnam War USAF airframe with some significance - perhaps the Son Tay Raid, or some important action that led to a medal etc.  WAPJ has a tiny photo of a HH-53B (not even sure if it can be built out of the box) with "Big Bertha" near the cabin door but the details are impossible to see.

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3 hours ago, habu2 said:

Man I miss WAPJ and IAPR.  I had just re-upped my subscription to IAPR right before the slow-down and eventual last issue.  Lost 2 years worth of subscription $$$  😞

@habu2, Yeah, me too.  Oh well, it was a worthy effort.  I am not sure it was a Ponzi scheme, but I have a nice "go to" reference area in my bookshelf now!  K/r, Dutch

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I too wish IAPR / WAPJ / WOF came back in some way - possibly the best aviation resource along with Wings/Airpower. I have one full set at home and another full set at storage in case something happens.


I also have a recurring dream where I discover this ancient Aztec stone vault that stores every issue of Scale Aircraft Modeling, 1980s issues and scale drawings of almost every type imaginable 🙂

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8 minutes ago, KursadA said:

I also have a recurring dream where I discover this ancient Aztec stone vault that stores every issue of Scale Aircraft Modeling, 1980s issues and scale drawings of almost every type imaginable 🙂

I've never been referred to as an Aztec stone vault before (I'm old, but not that old) - but I do have every issue of SAM up to 2008, along with Scale Models and Scale Aviation Modeller, so I could be regarded as a slightly ancient repository of some sort...

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6 hours ago, KursadA said:

It would be nice to have a serial number & photo for a Vietnam War USAF airframe with some significance - perhaps the Son Tay Raid, or some important action that led to a medal etc.

The SS Mayguez Incident resulted in the awarding of four Air Force Crosses:


1Lt Don Backlund, Pilot of HH-53C 68-10364 / Jolly Green 11*

Two 1978-dated photos here: https://abpic.co.uk/pictures/registration/68-10364

Capt Wayne Purser, Pilot of HH-53C 69-5792 / Jolly Green 43

1978-dated photo here: https://www.flickr.com/photos/130782777@N06/16612592046/sizes/o/


1Lt Dick Brims, Pilot of CH-53C 68-10927 / Knife 51

November 1975 photo here: https://www.planepictures.net/v3/show_en.php?id=873678

SSgt Jon Harston, Flight Engineer on CH-53C 68-10925 / Knife 31

(Crash-landed and destroyed)


*Since realised that Printscale did this aircraft in 1/72 on the same sheet as 8284 and Hickham's 10356....

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