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this is a post about a model I've build in 2014. I have chosen to build a black twin mustang from Special Hobby. I have used the photoetched kit from MPM (K72016) and decals from Print Scale (72-067).


The spinner from Special Hobby was not correct to me (same propeller on both side when they should be in opposite configuration) so I have chosen to use Monogram/Revell pieces instead (with a small diameter correction to fit properly).


As I didn't like the tires either (too squared), I have used F6F wheel and tire from an Eduard kit. 


The main landing gear doors have to be corrected to be in the right position. Same for the tail wheels but I discovered that too lately to make the correction.


Cockpit are partially in scratch. I have decided not to put any stick in the radar operator cockpit (a picture in International Air Power Review - volume 3, winter 2001/2002) shows this configuration as well as a green color for the seats.


I also have lowered the flaps to break monotony.






I cut the clear pieces to open the canopies.







Ready for painting !




The first steps were to paint the windshield in black (for the inner color) and the radome in shades of brown.






After that, I have applied 2 layer of Prince August mat aluminium (62) diluted in Future (Klir in France).


Then the color of the fuselage was black (Gunze H12) for the first layer, then variation of shades using Tire Black (H77), touches of white, blue, red, brown, grey (all Gunze) ... I put drops of liquid mask between layer. Generaly I am painting with very diluted paint.








Metalic part were painted using Humbrol Metal Cote paint using a brush. It is not perfect ...






Then, I have used a X-Acto new blade to make some scratch to reveal the metallic first layers. I took inspiration in the picture I could have found.








After a coad of Future, I thought the variation of shade would disappear a little bit more than that.




I put the decals. There is no silver effect and the transparent part of the decal is quite invisible (the finest I have ever experienced)






Unfortunatelly, there is a misalignement in the color of the decals that can be seen on the text "US AIR FORCE". I decide to correct it using Prince August paint, with a fine brush. I have also decided to fade a little bit the red marking. Due to the sun light and the natural elements weathering (also knows as "the weathering"), the red tends to fade a little. So I have mixed reds and white to put some pink on the superior part of red markings.






I put a coat of gloss varnish (I don't remember exactly which one, but I think it was Future) and a light coad of flat varnish on the top part of the aircraft.


For the engine smoke mark, I have used very diluted paint (first black H12, then night blue H55, then brown H84. Each color cover a part smaller than the previous one).




Then a mix of browns (H84and H321)




then clear brown H321




The pilot stick is from Monogram/Revell and the strange stuff (what is it ?) is made with a vacuformed radome.







Edited by colargol
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