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John Krukowski

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About John Krukowski

  • Rank
    Tenax Sniffer (Open a window!)

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  1. Funny, I'm not an egg plane or a Tiger Meet fan, but I do enjoy looking at 'em when they're posted. Nice pictures, fellas! No predominant theme from me, just a bunch o'stuff, built from the mid-70's to present. A link to my Photobucket album...about 80 models, all are 1/48 unless otherwise noted, click any pictures of interest to enlarge. In pages: Visit My Website Or "View All" for the speedier connections and again, click anything of interest to enlarge: Visit My Website John
  2. Nice work, Tornado, and quite the ambitious project for a weeklong G/B! Looks GOOD. John.
  3. WOW! That really came out NICE, Oliver, what a SLICK little model! That one would brighten up ANY showcase. NICE job. John
  4. Yeah maybe next time, Oliver, although TWO weeks would be kinda nice! If the aerosol-can clearcoats are still cool with you I'd pretty much HAVE to jump in.Set it up as an official G/B, add another week to it, and you'll probably get a much better turnout. This one's fun to watch though! Again, great idea. John
  5. Good looking Spitfire! Almost jumped in with a 1/72 Airfix Mk.I myself but I knew I'd never make it, plus I didn't wanna spend my 4-day Thanksgiving weekend building and painting like a man posessed! Nice job. :lol: John
  6. Hadn't heard of a Matchbox Do-17Z until now, but I'm pretty sure the Monogram is a whole different kit than the Lindberg...sorry I can't help directly but I just think it's cool someone's building the Lindberg! I built one a hundred years ago, wish it was still around...FUN kit from what I remember of it. Good Luck! John
  7. Always nice to see some of the older builds around here. That's a nice looking model. John
  8. I took a look at your photo blog too, nice work! John
  9. Congrats on the tenacity to see it through, wish I had a little more of that. I like it, and that's a nice display case you've got going on there too. John
  10. Your attention to detail has really paid off. Beautiful workmanship. John
  11. Nice work, hope to see more pictures of it once it's sitting on its new base too. John
  12. Fellow readers, a click on the pics'll bring 'em up to full size. Nice looking Spitfire, Patrice. John
  13. I enjoyed reading your article, hope you plan to submit this into the gallery too? Good work on the model, nice job. John
  14. Sharp looking Mustang. Nice job. John
  15. Most commonly, and by far, you'll see either everything tucked up tight or everything hangin' down loose but take a close look through this photo gallery on the "Swiss Mustangs" site and you'll see that almost any combination is possible on a parked Mustang: EDIT~ For some reason the link below converted itself to read "Visit My Website" but this is NOT, repeat NOT "my website"!!! Visit My Website Hope this helps, John
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