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About Wing_Nut

  • Rank
    Sniffing glue in the workshop
  • Birthday 12/16/1965

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  • Interests
    I build mainly 1:48 WW2 and modern jets but dabble with 1:35 armor and figures

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  1. Damn John, even though I'm personally disgusted by your talent, I cannot lie, this is AMAZING!! :woot.gif:/> I hope I get a chance to see this baby in person at a future event (Baycon??) Congrats on another masterpiece to add to your already impressive collection :thumbsup:/>
  2. I feel like I'm late to the party but WOW!!!.....so much to take in that I'll be returning to these photos again and again for inspiration! Brilliant work Chuck, judges be damned! :coolio:/>
  3. Exceptionally well done Crysis!! That's some of the best feathered edge camo I've seen, very realistic, and I love the weeds growing up through the cracks in the tarmac, brilliant finish!! :thumbsup:/>/>
  4. Beautiful job of taking the best of each set and making them even better as a whole! :cheers:/>
  5. As well you should be proud, that's a brilliant Arado!! And welcome to ARC brian
  6. Bravo Giovanni!! Your insanity is inspirational
  7. Wow!! The camo is fantastic, the colors are subtle and do not overpower the model. Absolutely beautiful job Roman
  8. Stunning work Cyrus and it looked amazing at Nats!! Wish I'd had more time at the show to bump into you but the family entourage was more interested in Disney than plastic....go figure Congrats on your well deserved awards!
  9. Geez Chuk, for someone so busy, you've not only made fantastic progress on the 388 but still post some of the best build updates on the web!! The canopy looks amazing and with the size of the opening, all that beautiful cockpit detail will be easily seen. Thanks for putting as much effort into your updates as you do the models, it's very much appreciated!!
  10. Those rudder pedals are amazing!! I love how you created the complex look of the rudder pedals with simple pieces of styrene and wire, then added to your scratch-built instrument panel, outstanding work Chuk!
  11. Fantastic work on the intakes John!! The cockpit is quite a gem, the details are sharp and I like the colors and overall tone you've created
  12. Regardless of when you finish, I'll be looking forward to seeing it. Great job on controlling the washes....did you use a home-made concoction or is it something like Flory's? Whatever you used, the details just jump out at you B)
  13. I missed this one as well but WOW!! so glad I caught it! I loved your sound effects and the editing is fantastic!! And the engine run up at the end.....my favorite part!! Absolutely brilliant work
  14. Wow....all you do is complain.... This is looking fantastic John! Any chance this will be at the Wings n Wheels show at the end of March?? Looking forward to seeing more in-progress pics....helps keep us mere mortals inspired
  15. I don't know what I enjoyed more....Fritzi's gravity defying leap or the idea of clamping a straight edge into a vise along with the part to ensure a straight cut
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