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Iain 32nd

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About Iain 32nd

  • Rank
    Glue Required
  • Birthday 05/22/1966

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  • Location
    Cotswolds, UK
  • Interests
    Models, aviation, the Internet, Lotus Cars, Motorcycles

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  1. Doesn't look like a lot of progress - but there's a good 20+ hours of work between last week's photos and where we are now. If I'm honest I'm a bit 'sanded out' just now - time for a break. Nose being blended in - still a way to go - but getting there. Circle on top of nose was my pour hole for casting resin (the smaller a 'riser' the other side of an internal bulkhead). Nose was taped in position - adjusted for position/alignment - and then resin poured: Underneath you can see the area I had to fill as our puppy had made some 'field modifications' to the fuselag
  2. Tried today and can't log in - Firefox and Safari. Iain
  3. Hi all, Long time since I last posted on ARC - but thought some might be interested in a project of mine that goes back a long way, but has just reached a bit of a tipping point with the fuselage halves together and heading for a full airframe. It's based on the old ID Models vac kit (now available from Tigger Models) - with a lot of scratch-building. Pretty well the only thing from the kit being used without major rebuilding are the fuselage halves. Anyway - getting there I think! Note - wings not fully seated at roots yet as I need to
  4. That is odd... Have you tried Plastic Weld? This is amongst the 'hottest' solvent glues out there in my experience and might work? Iain
  5. Hi all, Looking to build a Peruvian Mil 35P Hind F in 1:35 using the Trumpeter kit. Don't believe there are any conversions available in !:35 that provide the side-mounted cannons for this variant - or are there? Any pointers on decent drawings/photos so I can scratch build? (Google not throwing up a lot at present...). Any help appreciated! :) Iain
  6. Probably a no - but don't suppose you have any plans to do a Desert Storm sheet? Perversely I want to do 85-0825 in the scheme you mentioned: 'just before Desert Storm, when it was marked with the name of the first RAF F-117 pilot (Sqn Ldr Graham Wardell)'. Been wanting to do this since I made a start on the Testors/Revell kit in the early 90's - but gave up... The Trumpeter kit has rekindled my interest - perhaps I'll have to break out the Alps... Iain
  7. When I can (and can afford it!) I go fly (Private Pilots Licence). Here's me (on left) with my buddy Chris last June during our Flying Clubs 6 day expedition around France. Aircraft is ex. RAF Scottish Aviation Bulldog and we're at Millau airfield in the South of France. Also had first go in a hot air balloon - tethered solo in the RAF single-seater - now hoping to get balloon licence :) Blue skies... Iain
  8. Part 4 Some of the vacs... And that's about it... Happy modelling... Iain
  9. Oh go on then... Taken last March - a few more since then - with apologies to those that may have seen some of the stash before. But not for unaccompanied minors though! Goes without saying - mostly 1:32 and excluding the pile of vacs in the garage mezzanine and some 'on the go' stuff... Something tells me I really ought to think about having a clear-out Part 2 in a mo... Iain
  10. Hiya, Probably way too late now - but others may be interested. Gave up on waiting for someone to do correction sets for the Trumpeter Lightnings - so am working on ones myself - including the canopy. Master is almost there shape wise (Trumpeter part on right - replacement pattern left): Full thread here - expect to have something available by Scale Modelworld, Telford, UK in November. Iain
  11. Just dug my project out of the loft after 5 year break - was it *really* that long ago? Have ordered some Zacto intakes so hopefully full steam ahead - I feel the force! Some update piccies here - but will update my website build at some point. Iain
  12. Thanks Bruce - brilliant stuff! If you find yourself at Telford next year I owe you a beer, or three Iain
  13. Hi folks, As those that have read my progress (or lack thereof) on my 1:32 Connie will know - I now have a gap in my references that I need to plug - namely detailed photo's of the flaps and flap area so I can do some artwork for photo etch. Any help/pointers/photos/tech illustrations *really* appreciated! Link to build Iain 32SIG http://www.skywriters.net
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