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About agboak

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    Full Blown Model Geek

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  1. That's a bit cocky isn't it, as you didn't know what they were called, didn't know what they were for, and didn't know which aircraft to find them on? Suit yourself.
  2. They are called glare shields, at least on British aircraft. They are common on single-engine fighters used as night fighters, so predominantly Hurricanes. I'll have to go have a look at some Defiant pictures to see if they carried them: presumably they did but I don't recall seeing them. They are also seen on postwar Fireflies - I did think that meant they were the night fighter ones, but they seem to be more common on the anti-submarine specialists. I guess they have to fly at night too. On some Corsair models there is a lump above the exhausts which may represent a small glare shield.
  3. The USN standard colour was Sea Blue Gloss. I believe that Blue Angel Blue is somewhat lighter.
  4. agboak

    Mania Ki-51 Sonia

    I think Rising Decals do a set for the Sonia. Sheet 72-60.
  5. The colour was Medium Green. This was commonly seen around the leading and trailing edges of the larger aircraft of the time. It is much less common away from the edges, which suggest that this might be fresh OD over damage patches or (for whatever reason) excessive wear. The difference in the OD on the fabric flying surfaces is also clear in this photo.
  6. I believe there is also a nose-wheel difference? I have the original Italeri releases and intended to do a French-operated Dien-Bien-Phu example, but discovered that there were a number of other differences so the idea stalled. Italeri have since released an early version but I've no idea how that has been changed.
  7. The colour varied with the aircraft, so any single shade may look nice, but can't be used for every type. OK, it can... I tend to use whatever is suitable from a wide range of Humbrol, but Xtracolour and (I believe) White Ensign both provide options.
  8. The figures are old: they are moulded in soft plastic mainly because that's the history of such figures. One reason for this is because the flexibility allows slightly easier release from the tooling and hence a little more latitude in the design. I understand that a change to hard plastic would require either more complex tools or simpler shapes - and additional cost. Similarly, the QL bowser is in post-war trim rather than being retooled to an earlier standard - but they were too late for the BoB anyway! Not that this should worry your daughter, but you may run a little short of pink subj
  9. The N3PB was certainly related to the (very interesting) sequence of Northrop/Douglas designs leading up to the Dauntless, but it was a distinct new design, much more than an A-17 on floats. The A-17 line had stayed with Douglas becoming the DB8, as delivered to Sweden and the Netherlands. The Nomad was the name given to the A-17 (or A-17A, strictly?) in British service. The N3PB was designed by Northrop after he had parted from Douglas and was not given a name in British service, perhaps because of its very specific link with and use by the Norwegians.
  10. I'd go with Wiki re the Ranger strikes (two targets) but not with the Letov's. Czechoslovakia did not have a common border with France and no aircraft are mentioned as having fled there. I'm not sure they had the range, anyway. If it had happened, this would have been before WW2 and thus required return. I'm tempted to say this is a confusion with the T8W though that's one hell of a confusion. OK, understood, but the N3PB was not the Nomad. The Nomad was the DB8/A-17 attack aircraft, a predecessor of the Dauntless. The Chesapeake did equip one front-line FAA unit but it never saw active
  11. I don't know where you got the Letov from: not in CC anywhere, AFAIK. A few tweaks: The Swordfish and Albacore were predominantly FAA, only being used by CC late in the war in the eastern Channel for anti-E-boat patrols. The Avenger was entirely FAA. I'd drop the He51 and FW56, only surviving as trainers at this time, and I'm not sure about the Ar95 - perhaps the He114 could also be considered? Ditto the Shark, and the Nomads were in South Africa as trainers. A whole range of Liberator marks were used by CC, but generally not the Mk.II (some did). The Gladiators should be the FAA's Sea G
  12. HMS Audacity was sunk in December 1941. This was well before Coastal Command received their first Mosquitos - the first Mk.VI for anyone didn't fly for another six months.
  13. Apparently the Bizerte did carry Luftwaffe camouflage, and was used for rather longer than I'd thought. Some of them were even bought off the Vichy. http://www.luftwaffe-experten.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=86&hl=
  14. Add CAM ships (RN and merchants) with Sea Hurricanes and Fulmars to the list of effective anti-Condor activities, then the escort carriers starting with HMS Audacity. The Mosquitos were much later.
  15. OK: in the UK we'd normally count the Murmansk run as Arctic rather than Atlantic, which does make some of the Norway operations multi-theatre. You're looking at operations from the French Atlantic coast and the anti-convoy operations from Norway. This does rule out types such as the Do217 - unless some of the E-5's with Hs293 operated over Biscay? You don't have to worry about painting Vichy types, they did not operate alongside or directly for the Germans. They may have fought the British (and later the Americans) on their own account, but that's a different matter. The examples of the
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