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Everything posted by Firecaptain

  1. Don't know what website you went to, but at this site, there is a "Contact Us" right at the top of the page........ http://www.italeri.com/
  2. Well then.........come on guys.......show us those jugs.....in the "in progress forum" of course!
  3. How about gas.......has gas gone up in the States? LOL! Looks like Dave is trying to make up the difference since he doesn't do shows anymore!
  4. Let's let them finish the 32nd Century Series first !!!!!!!! LOL!!!!!
  5. For those that never saw or forgot........ http://kits.kitreview.com/a36p51previewbg_1.htm
  6. We saw the test shots MONTHS ago..........where oh where are they? Anyone got any "inside" info?
  7. Hellcat is next I believe........pre-sell for it on now for August delivery here in the States.....nothing on the Jug as of yet
  8. I'd say that unless this item has been substantially cleaned up for the press photo......these are the cat's meow P&W R-2800 A/B (Early)
  9. Anyone know a review that shows some good sprue pics? Or if you could place a couple of pics up Gunpowder it would be appreciated! Thanks
  10. Maybe that same Chinese company (Kinetic?) that used Monograms's F-84 as a pattern and fully scribed the whole thing will take a look see and maybe do the same with the Voodoo, Hun, Thud.....oh heck.....all of the quarter scale Century series! I just hope that Trumpy does a few more of the Century jets in 1/32!
  11. Looks like the Doctor wants some "trade secrets" I'm sure Chris will part with them......... for a price.......LOL! I'm still waiting patiently Chris......when they're ready, I will be too! All the best!
  12. Matt can you enlighten us or provide a link to see his other work of art?
  13. The US is just a speck of dust compared to the homeland market My vote goes for something from the motherland............
  14. Boy that Philippines IPMS chapter sure does have a great connection with the Trump boys! Glad they are done with the etch and rod gismos for flaps, slats, etc
  15. Mike, any particular reason for brushing versus airbrushing the clear? Thanks
  16. So you brush on your Future over the entire plane?
  17. That will look GREAT next to a -4.......got plans for one of them? Would like to see a side by side of those two
  18. Hey......get back to work on that A-7 stuff.......ROTFLOL! 119 + shipping from my connection on the Hun, ordered 2, real damage won't be until later when I'll have to order 4 of the A-6's!
  19. Great work! That sure is a fat bugger of a fuselage.....what the heck was in that big ole thing?
  20. OK Gunney....it's been 2 days......we need some more progress pics...... The postman brought mine today.......it's a winner in my opinion.......those guys are something else! wonder what's next from Trump in 24th
  21. Thank you both........ WOW look at that hump called a rivet!
  22. I know I saw a link for it here a while ago, it had pics of both parts sprues comparing the differences. If someone has the link, would you please post it? Thanks
  23. Be patient...........Trumpeter has announced a 1/32 F-8E
  24. You can see daylight between them I don't care if they wrong or not I'm using 'em! This is one nice A-10 Anyone know if they will come to the US and who might carry them? I bought these from Japan and they cost over 50 each with air shipping
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