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Aircraft Patches

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I'm an F-106 specific patch collector but through the years I've found a few other cool patches that have caught my eye. These are patches worn by pilots and crew members years ago. As a current C-130 Flight Engineer we're not allowed to wear "morale patches" (no fun allowed) but I love seeing these old patches. I'll post some cool F-106 patches later but here is one of my other favorites.

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Was lucky enough to acquire this one a few years back, Jolly Rogers patch from either their VF-5B days or early VF-61 (pre-VF-84, pre-VF-103), although another photo I've come across seems to show their VF-5B times had much larger patches.

The skull and bones design matches perfectly from this time period, and at least in 1955 they had the same basic style except with "Jolly Rogers" written in cursive next to the skull...so I'm guessing early 50's.


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