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Holy crap! This is kind of terrifying!

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I was just looking for info on the Soar Art 1/35 Dora - you know, that 7' long behemoth of a railway gun. The one that comes in a box that's, like, 5 x 3 FEET and weighs something like 60 lbs? This. Massive. Thing.

Well I stumbled onto Hannants' listing for the kit. "Wow," I thought, "I bet that'd be crazy-expensive to ship." And then I noticed their quantity in stock.


Holy crap!

I mean, having a couple of kits would take up a decent chunk of space in storage. But more than ten? More than ten of this kit right here:


That's just nuts!

(and now I really want to know... exactly how many of these beasts DO they have in stock?!?)

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Last time I was at the Hannant's warehouse in Lowestoft, only about 2/3 was taken up with kits etc. - the rest was taken up with a few cars and the odd aircraft....so yes, they do have space for 10+ Doras!


It doesn't sound like it's changed much then from when I last went up there, which must be over ten years ago. It really is quite a large warehouse.


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Wow that is amazing. And here I was was worried about picking up a old Monogram 1/48 B-29 kit that one of our club members has for sale :)/>

Yeah, the finished model is kind of large: http://smg.photobucket.com/user/TankCarl/media/DORA/enddora2.jpg.html



The manufacturer actually released a machined aluminum barrel for the kit. When Great Models (remember them?) got their kit/s back when it was released, they had a photo of someone holding the barrel like a baseball bat. A skinny, too-long aluminum baseball bat.

This seems like a terrible idea to me, though: http://smg.photobucket.com/user/TankCarl/media/Dorawall2.jpg.html (caption for this photo: 80" long,13" wide, 24" high as shown.)

As for the warehouse space... I mean, you could fit a dozen of them pretty easily into a small room. You could probably cram close to that into a double closet, really. And if your LHS sells R/C aircraft, the box won't be that out of place. It's more just the thought of that many of what is probably the most ridiculous model kit ever made, all gathered in one spot. It's a pricey item for this hobby. It's a year-long project (at least) for most modellers. The few brick and mortar stores that brought the kit in would have got *one*... and been thrilled the day they sold it. Hannants have 10+.

I think it's that "plus" that gets me. It's so ambiguous, so nonchalant. They could have a hundred of the things, for all I know. Having *ten* of them would be bonkers, but they've got some indeterminate number more. The idea of that much plastic, that much model kit, that many years of potential effort... that many of THESE:


Is just... holy crap!

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